Chapter 28

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"And cut! Thank you ladies" Danielle and Stefania sprung apart when they heard the instructions from the director.

"That was a good kiss" Danielle said lusting over Stefania's lips, she always left her wanting more.

"It was indeed" Stefania smirked as they made their way off set.

"The fans will go crazy over that scene" Danielle smiled at the thought of their fans and how they reacted with any hot and heavy scene.

"I'm looking forward to watching that episode" Stefania said as she opened the door to her trailer allowing Danielle to walk in behind her.

"Oh me too" Stefania smiled as she waited for her girlfriend to join her inside the trailer.

"My father told my mother his own version of the visit" Stefania said As she sat down on the sofa whilst Danielle made coffee for the both of them.

"I'm sure he did" Danielle nodded.

"He will never understand and if someday he does then I think I may have a stroke" Danielle laughed as her girlfriend continued to speak about her father.

"You know my mother and father never understood, neither did my sisters. My whole family shut me out" Stefania pouted as Danielle spoke.

"Is this why you haven't spoken munch about your family" Danielle nodded as she brought two cups of hot coffee over to Stefania.

"I have an older brother and he's the only one who understands, he took me in when I needed it the most" Stefania nodded as she placed her cup on the table In front of the sofa.

"I'm glad he was there for you" Danielle nodded as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Me too"


"Do you want kids?" Stefania asked as she set the dinner table at her house for her and Danielle's meal.

"Woah" Danielle was pouring a cold beverage for her and Stefania the question catching her off guard.

"That came from... where?" Danielle asked as she walked over to the table and set down the drinks.

"I'm just curious" Stefania responded she turned around and placed her hands on Danielle's waist.

Danielle nodded her head "I do want kids"

Stefania smiled at her girlfriends response.

"How many?" She asked earning a nervous laugh from Danielle.

"Four" Stefania raised her eyebrows at the blonde.

"Two boys and two girls. The boys will be older than the girls" she explained.

Stefania nodded her head.

"Do you wanted kids?" Danielle asked earning an eager nod from Stefania.

"Sì" she kissed Danielle's cheek before moving back into the kitchen.

"When would you want them?" Danielle asked as she sat down on the stool by the counter.

"Well I'm already quite old, so soon" Stefania said as she poured the source into the pot and stirred it.

"I see" Danielle loved the idea of being a mother but it was scary.

The world was so messy and ugly and scary that she didn't want to bring a perfect human being into this messy, ugly, scary world.

"Dinners almost ready Bella are you hungry?" She asked as she stirred the pasta some more before pouring the food onto plates.

"I'm starving"


"This is nice" dinner had been eaten, wine had been drank.

They were now cuddled up on the couch, Stefania's hands were weaving through Danielle's blonde curls as the blonde tried not to fall asleep.

Stefania smiled in response whilst watching the Tv.

"I love it when you play with my hair" Danielle struggled to keep her eyes open.

"You cant fall asleep it's only seven" Stefania whispered but she didn't stop the ministrations to Danielle's hair.

"I'm so tired" Danielle yawned.

"I know Bella but it's too early" Stefania placed a kiss to Danielle's forehead before sitting both of them up.

"What should we do then? I need something to keep me awake" Danielle spoke as she yawned once again.

"Hmm I have one thing in mind" Stefania replied a cheeky smirk across her lips and one eyebrow raised.

Stefania began to place kisses to Danielle's neck in which Danielle moved her neck to the side so Stefania had more access.

"You're ready?" Danielle breathed her walls already starting to fall as Stefania continued to place kisses to her heated skin.

"I've been ready for a while Bella" Danielle smiled at her girlfriends response as she moved away for a second and turned around.

"I won't make you wait any longer then" Danielle laid in between Stefania's legs as she kissed the skin of her neck.

"I'm so grateful" Stefania leant further back into the cushions and relaxed fully against the sofa.

"I'm ready" Danielle whispered into Stefania's ear causing shivers to travel throughout Stefania's body.


"Stefania" Danielle moaned the brunettes name as Stefania climbed back up the bed and above Danielle's sweaty body.

"Ugh I cant believe I've gone without that for almost a month" Stefania smiled in response as she rested her face in the crook of Danielle's neck.

"Now we can sleep" Stefania mumbled as Danielle's hands attached to brown locks.

She kissed Stefania's forehead her hands massaging her scalp.

"Now we can sleep"


I'm so tired I think I put that energy into this chapter. 😭💀

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