Chapter 27

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"Where's Danielle?" Stefania asked as she made her way on set.

She hadn't here'd from her girlfriend all morning which really wasn't like her at all.

"I'm not sure. You haven't seen her?" Jaina asked.

"No she hasn't even messaged me" Jaina raised her eyebrow in shock.

"Go to her house after your scene and see if she's ok"

Stefania nodded and they parted.

The day went by extremely slow without Danielle there to keep her company on her breaks.

She had sent a few messages to the blonde to check in but still no response.

It was now the end of her work day and she made her way off set and to her car.

She arrived at Danielles house within 20 minutes knocking on the door and waiting for a response.

"Hi" she looked at her girlfriend and was shocked by the sight.

"Oh my lord are you alright Bella?" Daniele was wrapped in a blanket hair disheveled and face paler than usual.

"I'm sick" Danielle pouted her eyes looking bruised from the lack of sleep the previous night.

Stefania walked into Danielle's house and shut the door guiding the blonde over to the sofa.

"Lay down get comfortable. I'm here now" Danielle sniffed and did as she was told.

"Soup?" Stefania asked as she approached the kitchen.

"Mhm" Danielle wasn't hungry but soup did sound good.

"Flavour my love?"

"Vegetable please" Danielle flicked through the channels on her tv and opted for friends on Netflix as background noise before she closed her eyes.

Her head was pounding against her scull and it seemed that not even the medicine was calming it down.

Stefania not long came to Danielle with a bowl of soup.

"Here" she knelt down with the soup in her hand and carefully place it next to Danielle.

"Sit up" she moved the bowl onto the table and helped Danielle sit up.

"Thank you" Stefania handed the soup back over to Danielle and leant down to place a kiss to her forehead before making her way back into the kitchen.

Hours passed and Stefania was now cuddled up on the sofa with Danielle.

Stefania was underneath Danielle as she rested on top of her, her skin being very hot against Stefania's.

"What's wrong?" Stefania asked as she noticed Danielle fidgeting on top of her.

"I can't get comfortable" she pouted as she moved again.

Stefania gently pushed Danielle's face into the crook of her neck and moved her body so it fell into the dip between her and the sofa.

Danielle nuzzled her face into Stefania's neck whilst breathing her in.

Stefania moved Danielle's hands from their position on her stomach and kissed each knuckle before interlocking their hands together.

"Better?" She asked as she also closed her eyes.

"Mhm" Danielle was so comfortable that she could almost feel herself melting into Stefania.


"Danielle, Danielle my love you have to wake up" Stefania shook her sleeping girlfriend that was asleep on top of her gently not wanting to hurt her aching body.

"Hm?" Danielle stirred her head pounding again.

"Shh it's ok I need you to wake up for me" Stefania moved the loose strands of hair from Danielle's face and kissed her boiling hot forehead.

"Mhmf" Danielle buried her face in Stefania's neck before placing a kiss to the cool skin of her girlfriends neck.

"We need to get up maybe some fresh air will do you some good" Danielle groaned at Stefania's comment burying her face further against her neck.

"What do you want?" Stefania gently pressed as she ran her hands through blonde sweaty locks.

"Bath" Danielle's throat was slightly hoarse.

"Come on then" Stefania carefully moved from under Danielle without knocking her off the sofa.

Danielle laid against the sofa cushions for a moment before she accepted Stefania's outstretched hand and took hold of it.

Her whole body felt like jelly and she could feel her legs threatening to give out on her.

They made it to the bathroom.

Stefania assisted Danielle so she was sat on the edge of the bathtub whilst she ran the bath, she added bubbles and some bath salts.

Once Danielle was undressed and ready to have Stefania help her in she tugged on Stefania's shirt.

"Could you come in with me?" Danielle asked as she bit her bottom lip with a firm grip.

"Of course Bella" Stefania joined Danielle with being completely naked and got into the water first.

Danielle joined her with some help and leant back against the brunette.

Danielle let out an exasperated sigh when her body touched Stefania's mixed with the feeling of the cool water against the heat of her skin.

"Thank you for taking care of me" Danielle leant her head against Stefania's shoulder closing her eyes.

"My pleasure" Stefania placed a kiss to Danielle's shoulder before capturing some water with her hands and pouring on Danielle's head.

She continued to wash Danielle's hair with the water from the bath and ran the shampoo through blonde locks.

Stefania used her fingers to massage Danielle's scalp earning a whimper from the blonde.

"That feels good. Suddenly my headaches gone" Stefania smiled at that, glad she could help her girlfriend reduce her pain.

Stefania continued her ministrations on her scalp before placing soft kisses to the entirety of her neck, jaw, shoulders anything she could reach.

"I missed you at work today. It wasn't the same without you there" Danielle melted further into her girlfriend at the honest words.

"I missed you as well" Danielle managed to turn her head enough so she was able to kiss her.

Stefania leaned in but Danielle pulled back.

"I'll make you sick" Stefania smiled at this.

"I think it's too late, I don't care give me a kiss"

Danielle smiled and leant in further until there lips were touching.

"You're the best medicine"


Find your Stefania to make you feel better ;))

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