Chapter 29

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4 months later

"I've been thinking" Danielle started as she was sat on the sofa in her trailer talking to Jaina.

"That's amazing" Jaina said sarcastically earning a scowl from the blonde.

"Shut up." Danielle didn't say anything else instead she pulled out a small box from her Jean pocket.

Jaina almost choked on her water when Danielle opened the box.

"Oh my god" Jaina clasped her hands together and gasped at sight of the tiny shiny piece of metal.

"You're really thinking about it" Danielle nodded.

"I know we broke up, and have only been dating for 8 months, but I can't just call her my girlfriend anymore" Jaina nodded her head as she listened to Danielle speak about her girlfriend.

"Are you ready?" Jaina asked as she moved closer to Danielle.

"I am yes. I've never been more ready for anything in my life" Jaina smiled as she looked at Danielle.

"I'm happy for you Danielle and I mean it, I actually like this woman" Danielle laughed as her friend spoke.

"Do you need help?" Danielle nodded.

"I'm going to do it when I take her to Rome, which I'm planning to tell her about later tonight. I have a romantic dinner planned"

Jaina tilted her head to the side "god Danielle I wish I was treated like this" 

"You will be"

"So I cant help you in Rome but do you need anything?" Danielle nodded.

"I need you to distract her in about 20 minutes when she finishes her scene" Danielle continued to speak about what she wanted jaina to do.

"I'll go pick up some suits for her to wear in Rome. I know her better than she thinks. If you could keep her here until I message you that I'm ready for her to come to mine. She knows she's coming to mine tonight. You're on set all day today aren't you?" Jaina smiled and nodded.

"It's because you're obsessed, and yes I am" Danielle nodded.

"So obsessed"


Danielle left the set to go shopping for Stefania.

She new her girlfriend would want to wear something breathtaking when she proposed.

She knew her girlfriend loved wearing suits so that's what she was going to look for.

Meanwhile Jaina caught sight of Stefania.

"Hey stef" Jaina walked up to the brunette and started to walk with her.

"Ciao" Stefania smiled at her friend before opening her trailer door.

"Wanna hang?" Jaina asked as she too walked into Stefania's trailer.

"Well I was going to spend some time with Danielle but I guess you could come with?" Jaina tried to think of an excuse for as to why Danielle wasn't in her trailer.

"Danielle had to leave the set" Stefania furrowed her eyes confused as to what the brunette was getting at.

"Oh how come?" Stefania turned the kettle on and waited for it to boil.

"She needs new underwear" Stefania raised her eyebrow.

"Her underwear is new" shit jaina thought.

"She wanted to get some toys" well done Ortiz.

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