Chapter 15

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It had now been a week, a week since Stefania left for Italy, a week since they split.

Danielle was doing a little better, she started to eat more, drink water in stead of canned cokes everyday.

Things were looking good.

"Hey Dani" Jaina called, as she walked through the blondes front door.

"Hey" Danielle had just found a hoodie that belongs to the brunette, which suddenly put a downer on her mood, making her focus be elsewhere.

"Oh no, is that hers?"  The brunette asked, noticing the blondes change in mood.

Danielle just nodded her head, as she brought the material closer to her face.

"No no no" Danielle started to sniff the hoodie.

Jaina quickly walked from where she was stood by the door, and swiped the hoodie out of the blondes hands.

"Hey!" Danielle exclaimed

"No! This is where things go bad, and you've done amazingly well so far" the blonde knew that Jaina was just looking out for her, which she appreciated, but right now all she wanted was Stefania.

"Let's go out" Jaina attempted, as she chucked the piece of clothing on the floor.

Danielle to rolled her eyes, as she stood up.

"No way" she knew it was coming, she knew she had to go out and try, but she didn't want to.

"Look I'm not saying let's go out and meet someone you're going to have your baby's with, I'm just saying let's go out and have some fun, and if we can... find you a little stress reliever" the thought of having a reckless one night stand did sound appealing to Danielle, but she knew she'd regret it in the long run.

"Come on Dani, let's dress up and have a few drinks for old times sake"

knowing her best friend wanted to go out.

"Fine" Danielle sighed, as Jaina jumped up and down in excitement.

"Ok ok, let's go get ready" apparently Jaina had already packed herself a dress before hand, obviously knowing the blonde too well; being able to make Danielle cave was one of her many talents.

"You brought a dress" she said giggling, this was something her best friend would do.

"Of course I did" the brunette replied, before winking terribly at Danielle, as she made her way into her bedroom.

"This is the one... if no one wants to fuck you in that, I will" Danielle was currently stood in front of the hallway mirror, checking herself out in the dress Jaina had insisted on her wearing.

She ran her hands across her curves, she couldn't lie, the dress was hot.

"It is nice" she whispered to herself.

The dress consisted of a navy blue material, thin straps for the shoulders; it revealed a lot of skin down the back, and was shortly cut, down to mid thigh, with a slit on either side.

"Right, let's go" Jaina said, snapping the blonde out of her thoughts as they both made their way to the door.

"Let's go"

They had both chosen a bar to go to, Danielle said no to most of the options Jaina offered, she knew that she either went their with Stefania, or just because they sucked.

"I'm going to grab us some drinks, I think that booth over there is open" Jaina explained, before she made her way over to the bar to order their drinks.

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