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Hot and heavy, fast and hard, slow and soft.

Danielle currently had her hands tangled in luscious brown locks, firmly gripping at her scalp.

They had arrived home early from a rushed dinner, opening the door eagerly in an attempt to strip each other's clothes immediately.

"I've missed you so much" Stefania murmured between kisses, as Danielle pushed her up against the door; shutting it in the process.

Danielle's hands went straight to the brunettes arse, giving it a firm squeeze, melting at the way Stefania moaned in her mouth.

Stefania's hands were in Danielle's hair, attempting to pull her closer.

"I need more, baby... I need you" the Italian begged, making Danielle realise how badly she needed it.

Stefania Spampinato never begged.

She quickly moved a hand from Stefania's arse, and to her belt; attempting to loosen it with one hand, so her other one could continue its ministrations on the brunettes arse.

Stefania looked down to see the blonde unbuckling her belt with only one hand, the act making the brunette even hotter.

Danielle managed to peel the leather from the Italians waist; chucking it behind her. Danielle then unbuttoned Stefania's pants, unzipping them so she could push her hand into her pants.

The intrusion wasn't unexpected on Stefania's part, it's just been so long since her favourite pair of hands were touching her like this, making her gasp in response.

Danielle cupped Stefania's centre for a moment, moaning softly when she felt how wet she was.

"Oh wow... is this all for me?" Danielle teased, using her middle finger to softly stroke through the brunettes centre.

The act causing Stefania's back to arch; a half broken moan falling from her lips.

Danielle attached her lips to the Italians neck, kissing the soft skin their.

"More" Stefania moaned, moving a hand from the blondes locks, and down to Danielle's hand, guiding it to where she needed it most.

"Inside" she added, as she lifted her panties with her free hand, and slipped Danielle's hand inside. Warmth suddenly surrounded Danielle's hand.

Oh how she missed this.

Ugh Danielle!" Stefania moaned, her moans gradually getting louder.

Danielle began softly fingering the brunette, as she inserted two fingers inside, moving them in circular motions.

That's it- right there UGH" Danielle continued to make Stefania crumble beneath her, feeling her walls tighten against her fingers, softly moaning at the feeling.

That's it baby, cum for me"


Ever since their sexual encounter, Danielle hasn't been able to stop thinking about the brunettes skin on hers. She looked down at Tiffany, they had recently made it exclusive, that they were going to date. She watched her girlfriend sleep peacefully. It wasn't fair on her. She wasn't happy. She didn't love Tiffany, she never could. Her heart was set on someone else. She knew what she needed to do.

She pulled the cover off of herself and swung her legs off the bed. Her feet colliding with the cold floorboards. She sat there for a moment, before standing up, and making her way into the kitchen. The sudden realisation that she wasn't over Stefania made her throat dry. She walked over to the sink, turning the tab on, as she opened the glass cabinet, she grabbed herself a glass and filled it with water. It didn't take her long to drink the whole thing, before filling it up again, before drinking the contents of the glass.

Danielle looked down at the counter in front of her. Seeing her phone, the opportunity to calm Stefania. However, she also had thoughts in the back of her head telling her it was wrong, that she cheated, shouldn't she be happy? Not go back to someone that hurt her? However those thoughts vanished when she saw Stefania's name pop up on her phone. She placed her glass down on the counter and picked up the small device. Reading the message the brunette had sent.

Stefania spam: I'm outside your door, could we talk?

Danielle read the message over and over, her heart beating out of her chest; suddenly remembering that she needed to answer.

Danielle: ok give me two minutes.

She sent the message and made her way back into her bedroom, being as quiet as possible as to not wake her sleeping girlfriend. She grabbed a pad and a piece of paper from her bedside table, and quickly scribbled a message for Tiffany, so when she woke up she would know why the blonde wasn't next to her in bed. She leaned down and softly kissed the redheads forehead, guilt swarming her stomach as she did so.

Danielle quickly grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a jacket, before changing and walking towards the door. She took one big deep breath before opening the door.

You may be thinking, why is Stefania outside of Danielle's apartment right this second, at god knows what time in the morning? Well, you see Stefania had also been having trouble sleeping, the thought of their interaction earlier on in the day, making it impossible for her to sleep.

She had gotten frustrated, and made her way to the blondes apartment, and that brings us to the present. Stefania standing outside the blondes door, watching as the door opened and revealed Danielle. "Hey" she whispered, not wanting to be loud, as to not wake a sleeping Tiffany. "Hi, shall we?" Stefania whispered as she lead the way down the corridor.

Danielle followed the brunette out of the building and out into the cold city air. "It's freezing" Danielle whispered" not realising that she didn't need to anymore. "Why are you whispering?" Stefania asked, laughing softly at the blonde. "Oh shush, where are we going? we can't stand out here for too long" Danielle said, shivering as she spoke. "The caffe down the street" Danielle once again followed behind the brunette, until they made it to the caffe.

"Have a specific request?" Stefania asked, as she opened the door for the blonde, before they broth entered the caffe. "My usual please" Danielle responded, watching as Stefania walked to the counter to order their drinks, whilst the blonde went to find them a seat. "Here" moments later the brunette returned with their drinks, handing Danielle hers, and then sitting down so she could start drinking her own coffee.

"So you wanted to talk?" Danielle asked, reminding the brunette why they were here. "Ahh Sì" Stefania nodded, as she placed her coffee on the table. "Earlier..." she started, suddenly making Danielle's mind think back to earlier that evening. "Mhm" Danielle just nodded, sipping her coffee as she listened to the Italian. "What was that? what did it mean to you?" Danielle knew what it meant to her, but what did it mean to the brunette. "It meant everything to me" she spoke honestly, watching as Stefania's lips started to form a smile. "What about you?" Danielle asked, wanting to know how Stefania felt about it. "I want it to happen again Danielle, I miss you" she replied, looking down at her coffee before lifting it up and moving it back to her lips. "Why cheat?" Danielle added, ignoring the happiness she received from Stefania telling her she missed her. "I know, I had no good reason too, I was angry and upset, but Danielle when she leant in to kiss you... you didn't exactly pull away" Stefania said, knowing she needed Danielle to understand why she did it. "I left, I thought you cheated, that's why I did what I did" she continued, watching as Danielle's eyes softened.
"I would never cheat on you" Danielle remembered her encounter with Kelsey, suddenly feeling a flood of guilt. "I'm sorry you thought that" she added, moving her hand over to the brunettes so she could softly stroke it. "I'm sorry this whole thing happened"

"What happens now?" Danielle asked, softly moving her thumb in circles across the brunettes soft skin. "We see how it goes?" Stefania suggested, as she looked at Danielle, their smiles both softening as they looked into each others eyes.


Danielle suddenly jolted awake, covered in sweat, her breathing heavy as she tried to calm herself down. "It was just a dream" she panted, not realising Tiffany was next to her, "Dani?" She asked, wondering why the blonde was awake so early. "Yeah, sorry go back to sleep" she said, watching as the redhead flopped back down onto the pillows.

"I need to get her back"


I hope you enjoyed this chapter 😏🌸

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