Chapter 32

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"Awe pink nose" Danielle and Stefania had been spending the day walking the beautiful streets of Rome.

They were now sat at a quiet caffe eating ice cream.

Well Danielle was eating hers, but Stefania had other ideas as she pushed the cold ice against her nose.

Danielle sat there for a moment watching Stefania laugh before she retaliated.

"Awe chocolate nose" Danielle laughed as she pushed her ice cream against Stefania's nose.

"Don't start a war you can't finish" Danielle smiled before continuing to eat her ice cream.


"What time are the reservations booked for?" Stefania asked as she put her earrings in her ear.

"8pm" Danielle replied as she touched up her makeup in front of the mirror.

"We have an hour" Stefania stated as she walked towards her girlfriend.

"We do" Danielle nodded as she finished her makeup.

"What could we possibly do in an hour?" Stefania looked at her girlfriends reflection in the mirror smirking down at the blonde.

"No" Danielle turned in the chair she was currently sat on and pointed her finger at Stefania.

"I've just done my makeup" Stefania pouted her lips before leaning down so she was level with the blonde.

"So?" Danielle bit her bottom lip contemplating her words before she spoke.

"So you'll mess it up" Stefania shook her head.

"Not if I don't kiss you" that was true.

"You hesitated" Stefania laughed before standing up straight again.

"No" Danielle stood from the chair dodging Stefania.

Stefania eyed her girlfriend as she walked to the mirror on the wall touching up her hair.

Stefania walked over to Danielle before wrapping strong arms around her waist.

"You know you want to" Danielle took a deep intake of breath as Stefania whispered in her ear.

Of course she wanted to, she just didn't want to mess up her makeup.

"I won't be rough" Stefania's hands migrated down towards Danielle's centre firmly squeezing it over the fabric of her black dress.

Danielle closed her eyes leaning further into her girlfriend.

"Fine" Danielle gave in.

How could she not?

She turned around in her girlfriends arms and slowly guided Stefania towards the bed.

"We now have 55 minutes" Stefania said as she turned them both around so she could push Danielle onto the bed.

"Hm I wonder what we could do in 55 minutes" Stefania laughed before joining her girlfriend on the bed.


"Thank you" Danielle took her wine from the waiter before placing it on the table

"Anything else?" He asked.

"No, thank you" Stefania shook her head smiling politely at the man.

"Enjoy your evening ladies" he smiled at both women before walking away.

Danielle started to eat her food as Stefania took a sip of her wine.

"This is a good type of wine" Danielle smiled into her fork as she continued to eat.

"I'm glad" Stefania put her glass down and started to eat as well.

"This is so good" Stefania sighed as she tucked into her food.

Danielle rested her hand on top of Stefania's the act making the brunette pause mid bite.

"You ok?" She asked confused at the sudden act.

"Yes of course. I just love you" Stefania tilted her head to the side in awe at the woman in front of her.

"I love you more" Danielle laughed before shaking her head.

"Not possible"


Both women were now sat at the bar.

Danielle had her hand resting on top of Stefania's whilst Stefania had her free hand resting on top of Danielle's thigh.

Danielle couldn't help but notice someone looking at her girlfriend from the corner of her eye.

Danielle turned her head to get a better look at the woman gawking at her girlfriend.

"You ok?" Stefania could sense Danielle was in a world of her own.

"Hm? Oh yes I'm fine" she couldn't help but feel jealous and protective over her girlfriend, she was aware she didn't own the Italian but it didn't feel good at all when someone else was looking at her the way she did.

"Danielle" Danielle shook her head laughing slightly.

"It's silly" Stefania placed her hand against Danielle's jaw tilting her face up so she could look into ocean blue orbs.

"You're silly to think that" Danielle smiled before taking a deep breath.

"Someone is looking at you and I don't like it"

Stefania raised a brow as Danielle pointed a finger towards the woman.

Stefania glanced in the direction watching as the woman waved.

Stefania just smiled and turned back to Danielle.

"Well" Danielle waited for Stefania to respond.

"I don't know why she's looking at me like that when she clearly knows I'm here with you" Danielle shrugged her shoulders.

"Me either" Stefania thought about it for a second before coming up with the best idea.

"We should make her go away" Stefania raised her eyebrows as she slowly leant closer to her girlfriend.

"Oh?" Danielle wrapped her arms around Stefania's neck; resting her forehead against her own.

"Sì" Danielle adverted her eyes to gorgeous lips.

"Let's go spampinato" Stefania smiled before leaning the rest of the way until their lips were against each other's.

Danielle opened her eyes slightly squinting to her side to see the woman stand to leave.

She smiled into the kiss and closed her eyes again.

She breathed into the kiss moaning when Stefania bit her bottom lip and pulled it out with her teeth.

"Let's take this upstairs" Danielle breathed before standing from the stool and interlocking her hand with Stefania's.

"Yes ma'am" Stefania allowed herself to be dragged out of the hotel bar and to their hotel room.


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