Chapter 30

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Stefania was in her room packing for Italy.

They were leaving on Saturday and it was cuurrently Friday.

She hadn't packed yet but now she was doing it.

Danielle was at her own place packing.

Stefania opened her wardrobe sighing when she saw what was sneakily placed inside.

"Danielle" she whispered before grabbing hold of the pieces of fabric her girlfriend must have bought for her.

There was a little note placed on the suits that read.

I knew you'd want to go to Rome with class my love <3

Stefania picked up her phone and clicked on Danielle's contact.

Danielle soon answered.

"You didn't" it took a moment for Danielle to respond.

"Didnt what?"

"Suits" Danielle smiled before speaking again.

"I did my love" Stefania sat on her bed the suits spread out across her lap.

"Ugh Danielle you make me so mad" Danielle laughed softly.

"You love me" she didn't mean to say it.

It just slipped out.

Stefania thought about her response for a moment.

She has never felt the way she did for Danielle for anyone else before.

She has thought about loving Danielle.

The thought didn't sound so bad.

"I do" Danielle wasn't sure if that was her saying she was in love with her or if she was just going along with it.

"Are you packed?" Stefania asked knowing the topic of conversation was to be had in person not over the phone.

"Almost" Stefania nodded before speaking again.

"Thank you for the suits Bella"

"You're so welcome" Stefania smiled down at the sheets on her bed before telling Danielle she should pack.

She felt a strange feeling in her stomach.

"You love me" why did it make her feel so strange.

She did love Danielle.

With her whole heart.

Telling her and thinking it though were two very different things.

Danielle could also sense that when she had made that comment something had switched.

She was worried now.

She was terrified of saying those three words to Stefania.

She had always been scared of opening up to someone as much as she did with Stefania.

She didn't want to loose the only person that fully understood her.


Hours had passed Stefania had been wracking her brain over what Danielle had said to her.

There was nothing to think about however.

It was raining more than it had in a while.

Danielle hadn't messaged her for a while.

She normally did.

Has something changed?

She was worried now.

She thought about going over to Danielle's to talk it over.

She'd be seeing her tomorrow though.

She couldn't wait that long.

She grabbed her keys from her kitchen counter, shrugged her jacket over her shoulders, and put her shoes on.

She couldn't deal with the feeling in her stomach.

She was scared.

She didn't like that feeling.

She knew that it was hard for Danielle to open up to her about her family and about everything's she'd been through.

She'd thought it would be harder to understand Danielle, but it really wasn't.

She's easy to read.

For her anyway.

She loves every fibre of Danielle's being.

That scared her.

It was the baddest weather conditions she had seen since being in America.

She had to be carful on the road.

Not long she arrived at Danielle's house.

How does she do this.

She pondered how to start her sentence.

What if she didn't mean it?

Fuck it.

Stefania opened her car door and walked up to Danielle's door.

Not caring if the rain was drowning her completely.

She knocked once, and then again.

She heard the pads of Danielle's feet making her way towards the door.

She always thought Danielle looked beautiful but there was something about this night.

Rain drowning the city.

The only light coming from Danielle's living room.

She looked breathtaking.

"Hi?" Stefania didn't speak she just pulled Danielle into her by her shirt.

Danielle looked at Stefania for any sign of why she was here.

Stefania kissed Danielle's forehead and whispered those three words she was so terrified of admitting, of saying.

"I love you" Danielle felt her heart stop.

She looked up into brown orbs.

It must have been to do with what she had said earlier.

"I love all of you Danielle and that scares me" Danielle moved her hand so it was cupping Stefania's cheek.

Stefania closed her eyes as she melted into Danielle's palm.

"You're not alone. It scares me too" Stefania opened her eyes.

"I love you Stefania and I'm terrified, but we can be scared together" they were now both drenched.

It didn't matter though.

All she cared about was right now, was this moment.

"This is another moment I would relive for as long as I live" Danielle could feel the tears prick at her eyes.

She didn't know wether it was the rain or her tears.

"We're going to Rome tomorrow" Danielle whispered, as she leant her forehead against Stefania's chin.

"We're going to Rome" Stefania nodded before placing another kiss to Danielle's forehead.

They stood for a moment more.

"Do you want to stay over? It's late and the weather is horrible I don't want you going home in these conditions" it was true, but she also just really wanted her girlfriends company, her body pressed up against her own in bed.

"Are you inviting me to have a sleep over miss Savre?" Danielle smiled and nodded.

"Yes miss spampinato"

-Btw I was just messing with you last chapter- it was quite amusing. Stefania aint going anywhere. 

-Someone commented on the last chapter saying "I'll pull a Garry clarke" it had me wheezing

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