Chapter 45

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3 months after new years had gone by which led both women to the day they had both been waiting for since the proposal.

The wedding is tomorrow but nonetheless the day had come around much faster than both of them had been expecting it too.

They had been on a sex ban for a week now, it's tradition even though their wedding was nothing but a book of broken rules.

They had been doing well, Stefania was proud of them both for coming this far and not breaking the deal they had made with each other.

They had managed to get everything they needed to ready for the big day tomorrow.

Everything was sorted and ready, which they were both proud of themselves for as well.

Danielle was feeling nervous, not nervous about marrying Stefania and having any doubts, because she had absolutely no doubts in her mind when it came to having Stefania Spampinato as her wife for the rest of her life.

She was nervous about her vows and how she would read them out if she starts crying, as well as the day going according to plan.

She knows Stefania isn't nervous because Stefania doesn't start crying when reading something emotional, although she has a feeling tomorrow that could change.

Although, she knows she won't have any difficulties with the reading of her vows despite her tears, whereas Danielle will be a blubbering mess with her makeup dripping down her cheeks and her words stumbling all over the place.

Danielle smiles to herself when she thinks about getting married to her soulmate tomorrow.

She also smiles when she sees her fiancé and very soon to be wife walk through their bedroom door wearing an outfit Danielle would much rather take off her than have her go out in public with on.

That's something she would do if they could have sex and if it wasn't both of their hen nights tonight.

"You look gorgeous" Danielle dropped the makeup brush currently in her hand and walked over to her fiancé.

"Gorgeous enough to eat?" Danielle raised a brow as her fiancé stood smiling down at her.

"What game are you playing?" She asked as she eyed her fiancé stood just smiling down at her like she had done nothing wrong.

"No game" she leaned down to place a soft peck to Danielle's lips before pulling back and walking to their wardrobe to grab a jacket.

"Have fun tonight, be safe" Stefania is being picked up first by Barrett in a couple minutes which would make it 6:00pm and Danielle is being picked up at 7:00pm by Jaina.

She had no idea what her best friend had planned for them tonight but she was slightly worried.

Jaina had a tendency to sometimes go overboard so she was worried she would do the same tonight.

"Hello?" Stefania slipped her jacket on before answering the ringing phone resting against their bed.

Danielle took this as her opportunity to quickly walk towards her fiancé and lean forward so her lips were kissing the soft tanned skin of her neck.

"Yea I will come out" Stefania took a deep breath before ending the phone call with Barrett and slipping her phone into her jacket pocket.

"Danielle" her eyes closed and she tried to compose herself otherwise her dress and jacket would magically disappear from her body and they would both end up in their bed together instead of out partying as their last night as fiancés.

"Danielle" she managed to open her eyes after a few seconds of silence and heavy breathing, and pull herself away from her now disappointed fiancé.

"We are getting married tomorrow we can wait" Danielle knew this, and though she wasn't hoping to have sex with Stefania when she started kissing her neck, as she started to notice the way she felt as well as the effect it started to have on her fiancé her mind was on the verge of changing.

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