Chapter 36

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"Oh my god, Stefania give me your hand" Barrett screamed when she saw the shining rock sealed onto the brunettes finger.

Stefania almost dropped her cup of coffee, so quickly placed the warm beverage back on the counter when Barrett pulled her hand towards her so she could get a better look at it.

"I can't believe Danielle proposed, I always thought you would" Stefania nodded her head knowing that she wanted to propose to Danielle, but loving that Danielle proposed to her.

"I'm glad she did though" Barrett nodded eyeing up her friend for a moment.

"You're happy" it wasn't a question, it was a statement, because Barrett new that Danielle made her happy, it was obvious.

"I am" Stefania couldn't help but smile when she thought of her gorgeous fiancé.

"Where is she now?" Barrett asked, as she dropped Stefania's hand so it was resting by her side before moving to the sofa, as did Stefania.

"On set at the moment" Stefania replied as she grabbed her coffee, before joining Barrett on the sofa.

"I shall speak to her later" Stefania nodded her head, a small smile suiting her lips.

"I wouldn't be surprised if she's already shouted it out to everyone by now" Barrett laughed before speaking again.

"She just loves you" Stefania's smile grew.

"I know"


"You did it!" Jaina squealed as Danielle told her friend about the engagement plan.

"I did" Danielle smiled whilst nodding her head before sitting on the sofa in Jainas trailer.

"How did she react?" Jaina asked knowing that the brunette probably wanted to propose to Danielle, so she was probably shocked to say the least.

"She was very... surprised" Danielle replied, laughing at the memory of when she knelt down on one knee and looked up to see Stefania's mouth wide open and her eyes wide.

"I knew she would be" jaina laughed shaking her head.

"I'm really happy Jai" Jaina smiled in response, knowing just how happy her and Stefania were just by the way they acted when they were around each other, it was like no one else existed- just them.

"I know"


"We could just stay like this all day?" Danielle was wrapped within the many blankets and her Italian fiancé after a cold night.

"We have to be in by 11" Stefania replied before rolling onto her side so her face could hide in the warmth of Danielle's neck.

Danielle ran her fingers across the length of Stefania's arm humming in response.

It occurred to Danielle that they were engaged, yet they still lived in separate houses.

It didn't add up to Danielle.

"We're engaged" Stefania nodded and hummed in response.

"Yet you still don't live with me" Stefania removed her face from Danielle's neck so she could look at her fiancé.

"Do you want to live together?" Stefania asked.

"Well we could think about it?" She suggested, earning a nod from the brunette.

"Of course" Stefania placed a soft kiss to Danielle's cheek before removing the blankets from her naked form.

Danielle's eyes scanned tanned skin as her fiancé moved around the room.

"Are you sure you don't want to stay in bed?" Danielle asked, her eyes devouring Stefania completely.

"We have 2 hours to get ready for work Danielle" Danielle nodded her head before pealing the covers from her own naked form.

"I know, I'm well aware" Stefania picked up the loose pieces of clothing scattered around her bedroom as Danielle crept up behind her.

"Danielle" Stefania took an intake of breath as her fiancé wrapped her hands around her waist, and pressed her bare chest against her own bare back.

"Hm" Danielle started to place gentle kisses across her fiancé's neck and shoulder knowing that she'd probably get her own way and have Stefania back in bed if she continued to give her this sort of attention.

"We can do a lot in 2 hours Stefania, it won't take us long to get ready" Stefania rested her head against Danielle's shoulder when pale skin traveled to her breasts.

"Come on" Stefania lost it when Danielle pulled her ear lobe back with her teeth, so turned around and kissed her fiancé passionately and eagerly.

It didn't take long for both women to be back in bed tangled within each other again.


"I think we should move in together" Stefania stated as she was stood within Danielle's kitchen cooking them both dinner.

She had thought about it a lot since Danielle brought it up, and she likes the idea very much.

"Yeah?" Danielle stopped setting the table and walked over behind the counter to her fiancé.

"Yeah" Stefania nodded as she placed the wooden spoon she was stirring the chicken with down on the side before closing the gap between their bodies.

"Ok" Danielle smiled at her fiancé, her blue orbs drifting to soft pink lips.

"Yours or mine?" Danielle asked, her eyes migrating back to brown orbs.

"You choose, I really do not mind"

Danielle pondered the thought for a moment, Stefania had a dog, meaning that he was probably more familiar in Stefania's home, and the Italians house was much bigger than Danielle's.

"Yours" Stefania placed her hands on Danielle's waist.

"You really want to do this? You're ready" Danielle rolled her eyes.

"Stefania, we are engaged, this is nothing in comparison" Stefania laughed softly nodding her head.

"Sì Sì" Danielle placed her hands against Stefania's cheeks before leaning in to kiss her.

"I love you" Stefania leant back in for another kiss before enveloping Danielle in a hug that told both of them that as long as they had each other, life would be ok.

They felt safe in each other's arms.

"I love you Bella"


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