Chapter 25

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"Oh my Danielle you look gorgeous, and so gay" Barrett squealed when she sore Danielle make her way out of her bathroom.

"I feel gay" Danielle smiled down at the floor as she stood in front of the mirror, she had to admit she did look good.

"I'm ready when you are, I think the Limo is outside waiting" Barrett made her way from her bedroom and towards the front door.

"Wait... we need a photo together" Danielle always loved when they have nights out, yes this night out is a little different but she always wanted to savour the moments her and her friend shared.

"Oh we look good, now let's go" Danielle allowed herself to be dragged from Barrett's apartment and into the limo.

"Stefania we are going to be late if you don't-" Jaina had been waiting for the brunette for almost an hour and was wondering what was taking her so long until she finally came out of her bathroom.

"Oh my fuck Danielle is going to be drooling" Stefania smiled at this before standing in front of her bedroom mirror to check herself out.

"No I'm going to be the one that is drooling Danielle is going to look gorgeous" she smiled at her friend before looking at the clock on her bedroom wall.

"Awe you really are a simp" Jaina laughed at the confused expression she received from the brunette.

"A what?" Stefania had not heard of the phrase before but she assumed it had something to do with the way she was acting.

"You are a softy for Danielle" Jaina replied receiving a nod of approval from Stefania.

"This is true Sì" she smiled at the floor with the thought of her girlfriend.

"Now we must leave" she grabbed Jainas hand and lead her out of her house and into the limo
"Oh wow" Danielle gasped as their limo made a stop outside of the red carpet event.

She had been to plenty of these things before but this one seemed bigger.

"Let's go" Barrett squeezed Danielle's hand before exiting the limo waiting for Danielle to join her.

"You'll be seeing Stefania soon it's ok" she whispered to herself as she took an intake of breath trying to calm the harsh beats of her heart.

She had always struggled with a lot of people being in the same space as her; it made it worse if she didn't know these people, and most of these people at the red carpet event she wasn't familiar with.

She opened the door of the car and shut it before standing beside Barrett.

"You alright?" Barrett asked noticing something off with her friend.

"Yeah I just can't wait to see Stefania" she smiled at her friend knowingly the same sparkle in her eyes every time she said her girlfriends name.

"Let's make our way inside then shall we, it's freezing out here and I definitely haven't dressed up for the cold" Barrett grabbed Danielle's hand and lead her to the red carpet which lead them inside the building.

"Miss Danielle could we take your photograph?" She heard a man behind her ask, she spun around and smiled kindly at him before telling him that Barrett would be in the photo as well.

Both women smiled at the camera as they changed position after each one so they were squishing each other's face, kissing the others cheek and pulling silly faces.

"Lovely ladies thank you" the man smiled at both women before he moved onto another celebrity.

"May I get a photo with you ma'am" Danielle didn't need to listen twice to the voice she heard behind her.

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