Chapter 9

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Stefania and Danielle had been dating for about 2 months now.

Both were doing well, and they were very happy with in their relationship.

Danielle was currently at her trailer getting ready to go on set.

"Hi Bella" Stefania had just finished getting her hair and makeup done.

"Hi" the blonde spun around at hearing her girlfriends voice.

"How are you?" She asked, looking into beautiful brown orbs.

"I'm good Bella" She replied.

"Dani" she giggled when she got no response.

She had been in a trance, she couldn't help it.

"I'm good" she replied, smiling softly at the brunette before leaning in to kiss her.

"Let's post a photo but not say anything?" Danielle asked, whilst grabbing everything she needed for her time on set.


She walked back over to the Italian; wrapping her arms around her waist.

"you're such a sweetheart" Stefania said, earning a blush from the blonde, causing her own smile to grow in size.

"Alright we'll do that after work tonight then, meet me back here at about 7:30?" She asked before leaning in to capture the brunettes lips, "Sì" she replied as she pulled away from the kiss biting her lip to prevent smirking too hard,

"what?" Danielle asked as she saw the brunette look at her amused,

"lipstick my love" she giggled bringing her hand up to wipe away the pigment from her lips.


Both women had finished their scenes and made their way back to the trailers,

"hey Bella" Stefania said seeing her girlfriend just about to open her trailer door,

"hey" she replied smiling softly at the brunette before opening the trailer letting the Italian go first following after her and shutting the door.

"How was work?" Danielle asked placing her things on the kitchen counter before sitting down on the couch joining the brunette,

"it was good I have scenes with you tomorrow" she smiled wiggling her eyebrows knowing what scenes they were shooting,

"well I'm very much looking forward to it" she relied leaning forward to capture the brunettes lips, soon the kiss got heated tongues were involved and breaths were getting heavier,

"wait..." Danielle breathed leaning away biting Stefania's lip keeping them in the same position and grabbing her phone from her pocket taking a photo.

"Oh that's hot, they're gonna go mental" she said laughing softly at Stefania's  wide eyes,

"that is hot" Stefania  agreed taking her eyes away from the screen and back to her girlfriends lips.

Danielle could feel eyes on her as she posted the photo,

"you're staring" she said smirking at the brunette,

"you're just so gorgeous" she explained eyes going up to bright blue orbs.

Danielle turned to face the woman completely placing her phone down on the coffee table, she leaned down moving pieces of brown curly hair away from her neck using her tongue, running it from her collar bone all the way to her ear, earning a shaky breath from the Italian.

She circled her tongue around the skin of her ear softly biting on the earlobe before she whispered in it

"You're gorgeous" earning a soft moan from the brunette.

"What do you want?" She asked making her way back down the woman's long slender neck nibbling and sucking at the skin.

"You" she replied leaning up so she could reciprocate the soft kisses to her neck, Danielle wasted no time in sitting the brunette up and pulling her shirt up above her head chucking it somewhere in the trailer, being too turned on to care where it went.

"Wait..." Danielle said before getting up from the couch and closing the blinds not wanting anyone to look in.

She made her way over to the couch taking her time, ever so slowly lifting her shirt up revealing more and more skin every second.

"Bella..." she moaned, Danielles chest was her weakness she never cared what a woman looked like as long as they had a good personality but with Danielle she thinks she hit the jackpot, watching as her full breasts filled the black lacy bra just perfectly.

After her teasing the blonde joined the brunette back on the couch being carful as to not crush her,

"so muscular" Stefania moaned as she squeezed at the muscles on the blondes arms.

The brunette moved her hands from the woman's hips and placed one on her breast squeezing it softly earning a grunt of appreciation from the blonde, moving her other hand up to her chest squeezing both boobs in her palms.

Danielle felt as arms snaked around her back and her bra was unclasped releasing her heaving breasts, Stefania admired them for a moment before shuffling down the couch under the blonde placing kisses on the skin of her left breast.

"Stefania..." she moaned needing her to stop the teasing before she imploded, the brunette looked up at the blonde before leaning in further so she could bite at the nipple of her left breast earning a grunt of approval.

"Yes... that feels so good" she breathed moving down further so her breasts were covering Stefania's face, Stefania was in heaven, if this is what heaven looked like then she was loving it.

Danielle could hear her own breathing start to get heavier and quicker, knowing she could probably get off from just this

"more" she breathed gasping when the brunettes leg made its way in between her own legs, she wasted no time in slowly rolling her hips grinding down on the brunettes legs.

"I'm gonna cum" she whispered nearing her orgasm her eyes rolling back when Stefania moved from her left breast over to her right one.

"oh god I'm coming" she exclaimed when her clit started to rub on the harsh material of her jeans,

"cum for me, you're so wet I can feel it" Stefania urged wanting Danielle to come undone for her,

"ughhhh" she groaned as her orgasm hit and she became a moaning mess, grinding down harder and quicker.

"Good girl" Stefania praised as she made her way back up to the arm of the couch smiling cheekily at the blonde.

"I think we just broke a record" she giggled watching as the blondes cheeks turned red and she buried her head in the brunettes neck. "We'll see about that" she said nibbling at the skin on the brunettes neck before moving further down.

I mean you could thank me....

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