Chapter 5

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Stefania was the first to wake up from her amazing slumber.

That was one of the best nights sleep she's ever experienced.

She looked down at the blonde that lay in her arms.

"come si può essere così belli" (how can one be so beautiful?) She asked, whilst stroking Danielles golden locks massaging her scalp.

"that feels nice"

Danielle began to rise from her slumber when she felt a hand in her hair.

"Early morning compliments already?"

Stefania nodded in approval a soft smile on her face.

"What do you want to do today after work?" The brunette asked.

"Well I was thinking we could do a live video and post it? We could make some French toast?" She suggested, the idea sounding amazing to the brunette, she immediately agreed with the idea.

"Sì that sounds nice" she replied.

"I can't wait" Danielle added, before she placed a soft kiss to Stefania's forehead

"We should get ready for work"

Both women got dressed, Danielle opted for a green flowery dress that stopped at about mid thigh, and Stefania had to wear the same clothes as yesterday evening until she could got dressed into something different at work.

"You look gorgeous Bella" Stefania managed to sneak her arms around the blondes waist, feeling muscles tense under her touch.

Danielle smiled at the brunette through their reflection in the mirror smiling softly at the compliment.

Once they arrived at work, both women made their way to the trailer in which they get their makeup done, before changing into their work clothes.

Set was ready and so were they, they made their way onto set

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Set was ready and so were they, they made their way onto set.

Every now and then when they had the chance, they both would steal little glances at each other.

It didn't take long to shoot their scenes, so soon they were finished for the day.

Stefania went back to her trailer so she could change into something more comfortable, she chose a cream coloured sweater and matched it with a pair of light blue jeans.

After getting dressed she made her way into the parking lot to meet a certain blonde.

"Danielle" the brunette called watching as the blonde spun around, a broad smile on her face.

"Ready to go?" she asked, in which she received a nod from the Italian.

"do you have the ingredients for the French toast?"

"Yes I think so" Danielle replied, as she opened the door for the Stefania .


"I'm going to start recording" Danielle set her phone up grabbing something to lean it up against.

Once they had finished Danielle sat down to edit the video so she could post it on her Instagram.

She smiled at the thought of their fans reaction when seeing Stefania feed her a piece of French toast.

"Hi Bella"

"Hi" she replied, she placed a soft kiss to Stefania's lips.

Stefania wanted to be close to Danielle, therefore leant further into her touch.

Danielle felt herself slowly leaning backwards until she felt the arm of the sofa against her back.

She quickly placed her laptop on the coffee table, before placing both hands against tanned skin.

Their make out session started to get a little heated: wandering hands were everywhere, skin was being touched, squeezed, kissed.

Heavy breaths were getting heavier and much more laboured, the room was getting hotter.

"Danielle" stefanaia gasped, as she started to place kisses further down her body, whilst she bit and nibbled at the skin between her teeth.


"More" the brunette breathed.

"What do you want?" The blonde asked, as she made her way to the Italians ear, she breathed into it, before grasping her ear lobe between her teeth and pulling softly.

"Choke me" Stefania stated, feeling unbelievably turned on in that current moment, not caring about how forward she was being.

"Of course" she moved her hands to her throat before applying pressure.

"You like that?" She asked, her other hand made work at undoing the button and zip of Stefania's jeans, before pushing past the material.

"Ugh" was all she got as a response, she couldn't talk, she was in a state of euphoria.

"What about this?" The blonde asked, as she started to add pressure against the thin material of her thong.

"Danielle" she gasped, whilst bucking her hips up towards her hand in desperate need for more.

However, suddenly the blonde slipped her hand out of Stefania's pants, receiving a glare from the brunette.

She enjoyed teasing her coworker.

"I still want to wait, but that doesn't mean I won't tease you" she smirked, before she pulled away.



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