Chapter 14

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Danielle couldn't comprehend what had happened, the image continued to play over and over in her head, making her heart break a little more each time.

As soon as she left, she went straight to the bar, drowning her sorrows away with beer, but no amount of alcohol could take away this pain.

Stefania felt ashamed, ashamed that she had just destroyed the best thing she's ever had with someone, over another woman; embarrassed at the fact that she didn't even kiss Celsey.

Pain, hurt and grief, the three things she was feeling the most right now.

As soon as Danielle left, the brunette told the stranger to leave.

She didn't even know this woman. Stefania was pretty drunk, but not enough that she didn't know what she did wrong.

Her heart felt broken, even though she caused the pain, she felt like it would never stop aching.


The next morning came around. Danielle's head was pounding, it sounded like someone was continuously knocking on her head

. She groaned as she stretched her arms out in front of her and yawned.

The aching still hurt, her body was still weak, she attempted to stand up but when she did, the force of her dizziness won, and pushed her back to the bed.

It was the first day of the two being apart, it made Danielle's stomach turn.

At some point she needed to go over to Stefania's to collect her things, but that could wait for another day, or at least when she could stand up.

Stefania was doing no better than the blonde, she was currently hunched over the toilet, spewing her guts out, it didn't make it any better when her mind wondered to the thought of Danielle standing behind her, holding up her hair.

Things like that wouldn't happen anymore, she couldn't go back and ask for forgiveness, she knows how this works, she's had it done to her too many times, but never once thought she'd be the one doing the same.


"She what!" Jains screamed down the phone, thinking that this was a little prank the blonde had planned.

"You're messing with me" she added, her eyes widening when the blonde shook her head.

"I never pegged Stefania for that type" she sighed, watching as her best friend turned her head, obviously heartbroken.

"It's going to be okay Dani" she said, attempting to reassure her friend.

"I miss her, ugh it's so stupid" Danielle groaned, placing one hand on her head and pulling at her hair.

"No, no it isn't stupid, look it's the first day, it's going to take a while to get over her" all the brunette could do was attempt to comfort the blonde, and be there for her through this whole healing process.

"Thanks Jay" both women smiled at each other for a moment until the doorbell rang.

"Who's that?" Jaina asked, her curiosity peaked as the blonde stood up to answer the door.

"Stefania?" Danielle wasn't sure if she was dreaming, or if she really was seeing the brunette stood in front of her.

"Hi Danielle" it was good to see the blonde, although it wasn't good to see the state she was in, it hurt her to see her former girlfriend in so much pain. Of course she was in a lot of pain as well, she just had a better way of covering it.

"Stefania's there?" Jaina asked, watching as the blonde appeared back on camera to say goodbye to her

"Jay I'll call you later" she ended the call and placed her phone on the table.

"What do you want?" Danielle asked, not caring if she was nice or not.

"Can we talk?" Stefania urged, wanting to say what she needed to before Danielle cut her off completely.

"No stef-" the blonde started before getting cut off by the Italian.

"No please just let me speak" Stefania said, as she walked further into Danielle's house, shutting the door behind her and placing her bag down by the door.

"Look, I fucked up, big time, I kissed another woman" this made the blonde wince slightly.

"I was drunk, but that gives me no excuse at all, I'm not here asking you for forgiveness, I don't deserve that from you, I'm not asking for you back, I'm just here to tell you I'm sorry" Danielle's heart was beating twice as fast, hearing all those words from Stefania made her realise how much she was in love with this woman.

"I'm going to Italy for a month, to visit family, take a break, give you a break, please just think about what I said" It felt good to get all of that off her chest, Danielle didn't reply, she was hoping she wouldn't, so she just took a few steps to her bag, picked it up and opened the door.

Danielle watched as the brunette left, not being able to process what she had heard.

The blonde stood their frozen, a tear escaping her glossy ocean blue eyes.

This was it, they were officially over.



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