Chapter 31

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It was now Saturday both women had successfully boarded the plane, and were now sat in their seats blissfully sipping their drinks.

Danielle sat with her head resting atop of Stefania's shoulder.

Their hands were intertwined and resting on Danielle's lap.

They only had an hour left of their flight until they arrived in Rome.

It was nearing their 9 month anniversary and Danielle planned to propose on the same night.

"You ok Bambina?" Stefania whispered before placing a kiss to the top of Danielle's head.

"Mhm" Danielle nodded.

"I'm so excited" Stefania smiled against Danielle's head.

"Me too" Stefania nodded moving her head to rest against the seat.


They were now in Rome.

They arrived at the airport and went to baggage claim.

Their bags were now collected and they made their way to the taxi bay.

Their hotel wasn't to far from the airport.

"Oh wow" their taxi pulled up outside of the hotel and Stefania couldn't believe her eyes.

Danielle paid the taxi driver before they both stepped out of car.

"After you" Stefania stood in awe at their hotel before walking first towards the building.

"This must of costed a fortune" Stefania couldn't help but feel guilty for the amount of money that must of gone into the holiday.

"Who cares just enjoy yourself" Danielle placed her hand on Stefania's cheek before she made her way towards the receptionist desk.

"Hi a room booked under the name Savre please" the receptionist nodded before clicking a few buttons on their computer.

"Ah yes Danielle Savre?" Danielle nodded before receiving their door key and some information about the hotel.

"The pool is open to all, it opens at 6am and closes at 11pm" Danielle nodded as-well as Stefania.

"Thank you" Danielle and Stefania both thanked the receptionist before walking towards the elevator.

Danielle had picked a room with a breathtaking view from the balcony, and she was excited to show her girlfriend.

"What floor are we?" Stefania asked as they waited for the elevator doors to open.

"16" Danielle responded before leaning into Stefania's side.

The doors opened and both women walked into the empty elevator.

Danielle pushed the button for floor 16 and soon enough the elevator started to rise.

Danielle rested against the back of the elevator eyeing her girlfriend as she scanned the view of the city from outside the glass windows of the elevator.

"It's so beautiful. You'd think because I lived in Italy for almost my whole life I would have been to Rome before but I've never been" Danielle smiled her heart melting as she watched her girlfriend soon to be fiancé.

"That is strange" the doors opened on their floor.

Stefania was the first one out with Danielle behind her their luggage being held by Stefania.

Danielle lead the way to their room with Stefania's hands laced into her own.

Danielle passed the key over to the brunette so that she could open the door.

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