UPDATE: Book 2/Sequel

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Hi everyone!

Thank you for the reads and lovely comments that you've left on this book. It really made my heart happy and kept my motivation off the roof.

I just want to announce that the sequel for this book is up now. It's called "Made For Me" ♡

I really hope you love it as much as you've loved reading this book. I can't wait to read all your lovely comments on that as well.

* I'm gonna cry here, don't mind me* 

Once again, I thank you for the support that you've given this book for the past few months. I've never would have carried on if not for the amount of encouragement that you guys give me. I love writing so much and seeing that you loved reading what I write makes me feel that what I am doing is worthwhile, that I am doing something that people actually enjoy.

I may never know you in real life, but I just want to let you know that you have been a big part of who I am as a writer today. You encourage me so much to do better in my craft. Thank you, thank you for taking a bit of your time from your busy day to read my book. I appreciate it from the bottom of my dealor heart. Thank you, thank you so much.

Enjoy the book 2 ✨


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