42 - That's what love is

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It was a good thing that it was still early in the morning and we have time to prepare for the event this afternoon. I called Freddie after breakfast to tell him to come around later for the wedding.

"What? You're getting married this afternoon? That soon? I don't have time to get you a gift anymore."

"We don't mind, Fred. We just need you to be there as our witness, okay? I'll see you at four pm."

He hummed then I put down the phone and dialled Brian's phone. He answered and we got the same reaction from him.

"Wow, that's huge! I'll be there, John. Anyway, I have to go. I still have to see if my suit fits."

I giggled and then said goodbye and placed the phone back in the receiver.

I felt a pair of arms wrapping around my waist and I turned around and it was Roger. I hugged him back and kissed him on the lips. "They said yes, love. They'll be coming." 

He smiled. "I'm excited, babe. Nervous but super excited." 

"Me too, my love. I'll finally get to call you my husband." I said. 

I remembered the kids and I looked at Roger confusingly. "What would the kids wear?"

He looked at me knowingly and smiled. "It's under the bed, babe. I bought it a long time ago and I hope it still fits Juliet. She's been growing like crazy."

I nodded in agreement. I really think Juliet's growing bigger every day but we don't mind. She's still a baby and everything's just baby fat for now.

"If only you hadn't eaten all those muffins, love." I teased and he slapped my arm playfully. "You're still holding that against me?"

"I tried to stop you, just saying." I shrugged and he groaned and buried his head on my chest. 

"I hate you, John. You're always making fun of me."

"I make fun of you because I love you, my love." I giggled and kissed the top of his head. "Don't be mad. I was just teasing."

He looked up at me. "You're lucky that I love you because if I don't, then I'd still be mad at you."

I kissed his lips and smiled against it. "I always know that I'm lucky to have you, love. And I'll always thank my lucky stars because the love of my life loves me back."


"Juliet, come on. I need to fix your hair." She was running around the room and whenever I tried to touch her, she would yell 'tag' and run away again. I think she thought we were playing and I would be down to play with her anytime but right now, I need to get her ready.

I sighed and carried her up and she squealed against me and tried to get away but I held her tight and sat her in front of her dresser. "Alright, stay still okay? I promise that we'll play later just let me please fix your hair." I said and she nodded.

"Good girl." I kissed her cheek and then started pulling her hair into a cute bun, and then I placed a little flower crown on top of her head. "There's my pretty flower girl." I smiled as she admired herself in the mirror.

"Pwetty?" She said and I nodded. "Yeah, you're my pretty little princess." I kissed her one more time then carried her on the bed to change her into the dress that Roger had bought. It was a white flowing mini dress with a simple pink ribbon on the waist.

"You look like an angel, my love." I said as I finished dressing her up and she giggled. "You're very, very beautiful. I love you, my princess." 

"Av yu, dada." She leaned towards me and I kissed her on the lips.

"Look who's ready." Roger came into the room with Felix in his arms. He was already dressed in this white polo shirt with a black bow tie. "Wow Felix, you look handsome little buddy." I walked towards him and kissed him on the cheek.

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