18 - Don't break the spell, darling

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"Are you ready for the park, love?" I called out through the stairs and Roger hurriedly came down. I wore a thick jacket then layered it on with a long coat, and he just wore a thin sweater. "What kind of skin do you have? Why don't you feel cold?" I teased him and he gave me a shrug.

"I don't really know. I must have thick skin." He said. "But this is okay compared to your 'thin-as-a-sheet' pale skin, you know." He teased back and I slapped him playfully. "Alright, I'll leave your skin alone."

Roger was excited to explore the neighborhood so we are going for a walk to the park, then stop by the local coffee shop down the street. Apparently, they serve coffee with 100% Arabica beans, which I love so much, and a wide variety of pastries. My boyfriend needs to be introduced to new desserts because he's been eating muffin after muffin like his life depended on it.

Speaking of him, I think being in a peaceful environment helped him get over everything that has happened on tour: the fights, the stage mishaps, the stress, and the lack of sleep. He seemed so much more happier and calmer now that we're home.

Freddie calls the house everyday, trying to get a hold of Roger. He wanted to apologize about being a bitch to him while on tour. Although I already told him that my boyfriend doesn't have ill feelings against him, he wanted to hear it from him himself. But I think Roger doesn't want to talk to him just yet.

"Is it too cold out here for you? Your nose is already red." My boyfriend chuckled and I shook my head. "Nah. I'll be fine. Let's enjoy ourselves." I said as we sat on one of the park bench and stared at the overlooking playground.

There were three kids playing, around the age of five to seven. One was going down the slide and the other two were taking turns playing in the swings, the girl was the one sitting and the boy was pushing her. Roger cooed at the sight of the kids and he smiled a little.

"They're so cute, babe. Look!" He pointed at the kid on the slide as he struggled to get his bum off the ground and the boy from the swings pulled him up to help him.

"Do you think we'll get kids as cute as them, babe?" He asked and I looked at him. "With features as beautiful as yours? I doubt that they'll even have a bad feature." I pinched his cold nose and he chuckled lightly.

"You think so? You think I look cute?" He tilted his head sideways as he stared at me with his big, blue eyes. "Everyone thinks you're cute, love." I laughed. "You always brag about being cute. Why are you asking me that?" I asked.

"I know I am. I just want to hear it from you." He said. I giggled then gave him a knuckle on the head and he scrunched his face at me. "You're lucky I love you so I'll just let that pass." He said and pouted.

I put my arms around him and he rested his head on my shoulders. We continued watching the kids, who were now seated on the ground and eating their snacks as they talked with each other. It made me smile and I thought about what it was like having a family.

Roger was thinking of the same thing. "I'm excited to build a family with you, babe." I nodded and pulled him closer to me. "I do, too."

I shivered a bit because it was getting too cold so my boyfriend and I walked to the coffee shop so we can warm up. I got myself a mug of hot cafe mocha with French toast, and Roger got an Earl grey tea.

He was about to point at the muffin on the counter when the barista asked for his food but I stopped him. "Try something else, love. You've been eating the same thing for years." I told him so he chose to have a slice of chocolate lava cake.

"My cake is not even here and I'm already missing my muffin." He pouted as we went to an empty booth and he sat in front of me. "Don't sit there, love. Sit beside me." I smiled and patted the space beside me.

"Clingy, babe?" He teased and I nodded as he sat beside me. I put my arms around him and hugged him tightly and he was just giggling at me. "Stop it, babe, you're squeezing me." We must've looked like an idiot because we were just laughing at each other.

A barista came over with our order and she cooed when she saw the both of us. "Aww. You two looked cute." She held her hand on his chest and smiled at us. "Stay strong, you two." She waved at us and she walked away.

"See that, babe? She thinks I'm cute." Roger looked at me and smiled widely. "She thinks that the both of us are cute, not just you." I playfully rolled my eyes at him and he just laughed.

I held his hand and didn't let it go as I was taking a bite of my French toast, then I rested my head on his shoulder and rubbed his tummy. "You're tickling me." He giggled and he held my hand.

"Can we try again? Please, love?" I gave him googly eyes and he nodded. I squealed a little and hugged him tight. "But I don't know if the baby will still attach itself on my insides. The doctor said that if ever I get pregnant, it might only be a one time thing." He gave me a sad smile and I nodded.

I knew about his condition since we first started dating. I was shocked at first, because I can't believe that it was even possible. But as I think about it now, I thought that it was beautiful. I mean, he has the ability to produce life that no other men can do. That's what makes him so special.

"I really hope we'll get a second chance. I promise I'll take care of you and our baby even more." I kissed his lips as he smiled at me. "I hope so, too."

We walked back to the house after finishing our snack and drink. Roger said he wanted to play some music so I led him to the spare room turned music room down the end of the hall on the second floor.

"I don't have much in there yet, love." I said as he looked around the room. I just have my bass guitar, an acoustic guitar, and a keyboard. "No worries. I'll make use of what you have." He nodded then wiped his hand on the Roland keyboard at the side of the room.

"Do you still use this, babe?" He asked as he turned the keyboard on and tapped the keys. "I do. Sometimes. I now use it to create a melody for my songs, you know?" I said.

"Oh, I see." He nodded then took a stool and sat in front of the keyboard. "Come play with me." He waved his hands and I took an acoustic guitar and sat on the floor.

We just stared at each other for a few seconds then we laughed at each other. "I don't know what to play." Roger said in between his giggles. I stood up and pulled another stool to sit beside him.

"Scoot over, love. I'll play." I said then he moved a bit and started tapping on on the keys. I played the first few bars of 'You're my Best Friend' and he furrowed his eyes at me.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked and he pouted at me. "That song is too cheesy. You know I don't like it."

"Ouch, love. Don't say that about your song." I feigned my disappointment but smiled at the end. He looked confused and asked me. "That's your song, you idiot. Don't you remember?"

"Yes. I do remember. And I know that this is your song." I smiled wider and he just looked at me. "It's your song, love. I made it for you. Didn't you know that?"

"What?" He gasped and I just nodded at him. "It's true, love. I know you don't like it but it's for you." I said and he immediately hugged me tight.

"I didn't know, babe. I'm sorry if I said I hated it. It's actually a beautiful song." He kissed my cheek then my lips then looked at me intently. "I didn't know you wrote a song for me." He said softly.

"I did. That's how I feel about you. I missed you when we broke up. You won't talk to me and I missed you so much." I smiled and a tear fell from his eyes.

"Why do you love me so much?" He gave me a smile as he wiped the tears from his eyes. I pinched his cheek and gave him a soft peck on the lips.

"I just do. Nothing could make me unlove you. I'll always be in your life and I cannot see a future without you in it. I love you and I'll always love you until the day that I die."

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