31 - I live my life for you

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I barely survived the last two weeks of the tour. I was nauseous and constantly sick. My face was always in the toilet as my morning sickness wasn't just in the morning, it happens throughout the day. I was also getting cramps in my lower stomach especially when I am sitting for long periods of time, which is not great for me because I have to sit down for almost two hours for a show.

John has been very supportive, which is what I loved about him. He was always checking up on me every single time, especially in the middle of the show. He knows about my cramps so he leans over my kit or jump up on my drum riser just to ask me if I was still feeling alright. I would always nod and tell him that everything's fine, even if sometimes I was already uncomfortable and in a lot of pain. I don't want him to worry so I just stick it up until the end when I could lay down and rest backstage.

We were all staying in a hotel that was thirty minutes away from the Wembley Arena for our last show in London before this leg is over. We are going home to John's after the show and I could not be more excited. Being on tour was already very tiring, and being on tour while pregnant is so much worse.

John was taking a shower and I was standing across the room in front of a medium-sized mirror in the dresser with my shirt up while I rubbed my tummy. I looked at my body, the bump hasn't quite formed yet and it just looked like I was bloated but my heart still got fuzzy. My baby's growing. It's there. I can feel it.

I smiled giddily and made circles on my tummy when I heard the sound of the door unlocking and John's face lit up when he saw what I was doing. He went near me and placed his hand over my tummy while he gently kissed my lips. "You're glowing, my love. Pregnancy really suits you." I blushed so hard and wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a peck on the lips, then I pulled away and stared at him. "I'm hungry."

He giggled at what I said and reached for the box of muffins on the bedside table. I have been going through box after box of these muffins and poor John has to go out of his way to find a bakeshop in every city that we go to. I cried to him one time after he came back to our hotel room very late at night because he and Brian had a hard time looking for a good bakeshop. He said it was no big deal and he's happy to be doing it for me and the baby, but I still felt guilty because he was obviously tired and I made him drive around the city.

"Baby blondie is four weeks now." I squealed excitedly while John was putting some clothes on. "I know. Our baby's growing so fast. I'm so excited." He sat beside me on the bed while I continued munching on my muffin. I was halfway through my first one when I felt my stomach turn and I dropped the muffin on the bed and ran to the toilet, vomiting my guts out.

John rubbed my back as I threw up everything I ate and I almost cried because I can feel that my stomach is empty but I am still involuntarily gagging, trying to throw up some more, and it hurts. "Are you okay now?" My boyfriend asked and it took me a while to answer. I was still waiting if anything's going to come out but there was nothing so I nodded. He helped me up and I gargled some mouthwash and went back to bed.

"I don't think the baby wants some muffins anymore." I said when I gagged at the smell of the muffin when I tried to put it near my mouth. "It's okay, love. We'll find something that the baby will like." He covered the box and placed it down on the floor as my face made a little pout. I loved those muffins!


Yesterday's concert was a success. The crowd was amazing and we were all absolutely knackered after the show. Freddie insisted that we attend the after-party but John and I declined, saying that we have to be up early the next day. He was disappointed, of course, but he let us go.

I was pouring some hot water into two mugs and dipped a tea bag each. I was stuck with either herbal or blended teas because I wasn't allowed to drink any caffeinated beverages, including green and black teas, soda, and coffee.

"Good morning, love." John's voice echoed in the kitchen and I turned around and smiled. He kissed my cheek then went on to slip two slices of bread in the bread toaster for his breakfast.

The room was full of excitement and we can't remove the smiles on our faces this morning. How could we? We were going to the doctor's after this for an early ultrasound appointment to check on our baby.

"I can't wait to see baby blondie on screen, love." John was all smiles and I nodded. I can't wait to see our baby too.

I was almost pushing my boyfriend out to the car after breakfast and he just giggled at me. I just couldn't wait!

The doctor introduced himself to both of us as I settled on the bed in the middle of the room of the clinic. "Hi. I'm Doctor Martin and I will be taking care of you throughout your pregnancy." We both shook his hand then he opened the clipboard that he was holding.

"Alright, I'll just take your weight then we can go ahead and see your baby." I held my breath as I stood on the hospital scale. The doctor just hummed as he looked at the numbers and my eyes widened. Yeah, I definitely gained a good seven pounds, and I wasn't even halfway through this pregnancy!

"Looking good, Mister Taylor." The doctor nodded and I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not so I didn't speak but he continued. "I highly suggest that you should gain around two to four pounds during your first trimester, okay? After that, you can go ahead and just gain at least a pound a week. This is just to make sure that your baby is healthy throughout the pregnancy."

I nodded and he guided me back to bed. I pulled my shirt up and Doctor Martin spread a thick line of cold gel on the bottom of my stomach and ran the transducer over my tummy. "Unfortunately, we won't be able to hear your baby's heartbeat for now as it is still too early." He circled the handheld probe around my tummy and stopped when he found what he was looking for.

"It's still too small to see, but there's your baby." He pointed at the screen with his pinky and John held my hand as my lips curled into a smile. "It's just the gestational sac for now, but that little circle in the middle, that's the embryo." My heart could've exploded because of so much excitement. I was so happy.

Doctor Martin took photos and he gave John some tissues to wipe my tummy as he left the room to retrieve the copies of the sonogram. "Our baby. Our baby's here." He smiled and I nodded, my wide smile never leaving my face.

"I won't be able to tell you your exact due date for now because, as I have said, it is still too early and it may still change, but it will be around February of next year. On your next appointment, I'll measure your bump so I could give you an exact date." The doctor said as he handed us two copies of the sonogram. We both nodded then he booked us up for another appointment for next month. I stood up and we thanked him as we left the room.

We were both grinning as we drove home. We don't know why but our smiles never left our faces. We were so happy.

John and I were almost bouncing as we went up to our room and I laid down, with him sitting beside me on the bed so he can have full access to my tummy. "Have you thought about any names yet, love?" He asked.

I smiled a bit and nodded. "I like Richard, it sounds sophisticated, don't you think?" His smile got bigger as he held my hand. "You want my name to be our baby's name?"

"I do. It's nice." I looked at him and his face is so close to ripping off with how big his smile was. "Okay. Our baby will be baby Richard if he's a boy. We just need a middle name, I suppose." He said.

"We'll just think of it in the future, babe." I giggled then he laid beside me on his side so he would still be facing me. "How about if it's a girl? Have you thought about any names?" He asked and I nodded immediately.

"I love classic names for a girl like Juliet, as in from Romeo and Juliet. I think it's lovely. Or probably Jasmine." I rambled and he giggled and kissed me on the nose. "I like Juliet. It's beautiful. It sounds like my sister's name, though."

"It is, yeah." I said then looked down at my tummy, rubbing it slowly, my smile never leaving my face. "So, our baby's named, huh?" My boyfriend kissed my cheek and I nodded. "We just need to know your gender, am I right my sweet baby?" He cooed on my tummy then he went down and gave it little kisses.

It tickled me a bit so I laughed and pulled John's head up, dropping it just over my lips and I gave him a long kiss. "I love you, babe."

"I love you too." He smiled then went back down to my stomach and ran his palm around it.

"We're excited to meet you, baby. Will you be a Richard or a Juliet?"

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