15 - No hate, no fight, just excitation

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Finally, we are halfway through the tour and currently in Philadelphia for a special Thanksgiving concert. Just a few more concerts left then we will be having our Christmas break before we start the European leg.

Being part of Queen is exhausting, to be honest. I miss my bedroom, and the quiet ambiance of my neighborhood. I do not like being around too many people because it ramps up my anxiety so much. But the fact that I'll be sleeping at night next to Roger after a long show makes everything tolerable.

Speaking of him, our relationship has been stronger than ever. I think our break up really made us both more mature and less petty when it comes to handling our arguments and mishaps.

I held his hand as we walked inside the performance hall and he was giggling because I was touching his hips. He was ticklish there.

"Ooh. Someone got back together with his ex." Freddie teased as he approached the both of us and we both giggled. Roger then kissed my cheek and pulled his hand away from me. "I'll just get something to drink, okay?" I nodded and he walked away.

"When did you you two got back together?" Freddie asked and I smiled at him. "Around the start of the tour." Then he pouted. "Why didn't you tell me?" He crossed his arms on his chest.

"I'm sorry." I squeezed his arm. "We were kind of taking it slow and easy so we didn't let anyone know about it yet." He pouted his lips even more and furrowed his eyebrows.

"But I'm your best friend!" He half shouted so I hugged him and rubbed his back. "Shh... Don't be mad. You ARE my best friend." I said then I pulled away.

"Let me make it up to you, okay? How about we check out this coffee shop down the street after sound check?" I suggested and his face lit up and he smiled. "Yeah. That sounds good, dear."

"After sound check, okay?" I held the hand that he put on his waist and rubbed it with my thumb. "Why not after the show?" He asked. "I can't. Roger and I have plans after."

"Oh. Okay. I understand." He nodded and I saw a glimpse of sadness in his eyes. I just waved it off and thought that maybe he just lacked sleep so I didn't mind it too much.

Fred hopped on stage then went to the back. I walked towards Roger -- he was having a conversation with Brian and they were laughing about something when my boyfriend noticed me. "Oh. Hey, babe. Brian was just telling me about this new place down in Chestnut Street. It's called the Red Owl Tavern." I hummed and he continued.

"Apparently, they serve exquisite American cuisine and I've been craving for something greasy, you know?" I nodded. I wanted to try authentic American cuisine myself. "Can we still get a reservation? It's Thanksgiving." I asked.

"I'm one step ahead of you, babe. I went ahead and called them because I want some greasy burger and short ribs for dinner." He smiled and rubbed his belly and I looked at it for a while then shrugged it off.

"Great. Can't wait." I kissed his lips then he looked at Brian. "Come on, you tall guy. Let's rehearse our solo parts." Brian helped him hop on his drum kit, then he patted his seat. He struggled a bit as he was sitting down then he smiled at me after he was settled.

I mouthed 'I love you' to him and he blushed and looked down. I really love making him blush. It sends butterflies to my stomach and its amazing to know that I still have that kind of effect on him after all these years.

Freddie was holding a glass of champagne when he entered the stage then he sat down on the seat of his piano. "It's too early for alcohol, don't you think?" I teased him and he rolled his eyes at me. "Oh, shut up. It's Thanksgiving." I just giggled in response and let him be.

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