41 - Funny how love is

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"Felix, buddy? Come on, wake up now. Breakfast is ready." I nudged my little boy until he sat up and rubbed his eyes. Well, he's not so little anymore. He's almost three and I couldn't believe how fast time really flies.

"Dad, can you carry me?" He said and reached out his hands. Even though he insists that he's a big boy now, he still likes being carried. Not that I mind though, I love having him this close to me.

"What did dad cook?" He mumbled as I walked down the stairs and into the dining room. See, this was why I told Roger to train Felix to call him 'papa' or whatever but he said it was cute being called 'dada' and now, my little boy has outgrown the 'dada' phase and he now calls us both 'dad'.

"He made you your favorite pancakes, buddy." I said and he perked up, squealing a small 'yehey' against my shoulders.

"Hi, my baby. How was your sleep?" Roger said as he entered the dining room with the stack of pancakes in his hand and placed it on the table along with the eggs and sausages.

"Good dream, dad." He smiled then he stabbed a pancake and placed it on his plate. "Wow. That's great." My fiance kissed his cheek which made Felix giggle.

I went back up to wake my other baby, my little princess. She was still asleep in her cot and her body was sprawled out across it. I gently rubbed her chest to wake her up.

"Baby girl? Wake up now." I whispered and she moved a bit then rolled over and turned her back to me. She was actually like Roger, she hates being woke up in the morning AND she hates mornings itself.

"Come on, breakfast is ready. Dada made you eggs." Yes, she also calls us both 'dada'. We tried training her but she likes copying Felix so it ended up like that. It was confusing how both of us would look whenever she calls out for 'dada' but we learned how to work it out.

"Dada, s'eepy." She whined and I cooed at her. "I want to let you sleep, baby girl, but your hot chocolate is already getting cold. Dada put some marshmallows in it." 

She opened her eyes a bit and looked at me with her bright, blue eyes that seemed to have shined brighter as she grew. "Dada, is ma'ows?" 

I nodded and smiled at her. "Yeah, he already went to the store and bought a lot of marshmallows so you won't run out." I poked her nose and she gave me a giggle as I helped her sit up.

"Now, come on princess. I'll brush your hair then we'll say good morning downstairs, okay?" She nodded and I carried her out of her cot and sat her in front of her dresser. I got her brush and started brushing her long, brown, wavy hair. Roger and I thought her hair will turn blonde because of how light it was when she was born but it eventually grew darker until it turned brown.

"All done, my little princess." I smiled and I carried her downstairs and she squealed at the sight of her other family. "E'ow dada! E'ow Fe'ix!" 

Felix just waved at her because his mouth was full of pancakes and Roger reached out to her and bounced her around the room. She was giggling loudly as my fiance showered her with little kisses on her face. I must say that she was closer to Roger than to me but Felix was much more closer to me so it was like we got a child each. 

It was kind of funny because Felix is literally Roger's son and I was closer to him but I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my little buddy.

"Alright, time for breakfast Juls." Roger sat her down on her baby chair and he started cutting the sausages and eggs into bite-size pieces then placed it on her mini table.

Our two kids already knew how to feed themselves so eating as a family wasn't much of a hard work. We just have to watch them in case any of them chokes on their food.

I sat beside my fiance and kissed him on the lips. "And good morning to you, my love." I giggled and he kissed me back. "How was your morning?" I asked.

"Happy. Especially now that you're here." He was giggling like a schoolgirl then he leaned again and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips, letting it linger for a few seconds then pulled away when we heard Felix's 'ew' and Juliet's laughing from across the table.

"Continue eating, you two. I'll just love your dada from over here." I hugged Roger tightly and he giggled and slapped my arm away. "You're embarrassing me in front of the kids."

"What? Are you embarrassed that your fiance loves you so much?" I teased some more and I saw him blush so I pinched his cheek gently. "You're cute, love." I said and he blushed even more.

He rested his head on the crook of my neck as I took a bite of my egg. "When are you marrying me?" He whispered against my chest and I wrapped my arms around his body and hugged him tightly.

We said that we'll marry once Juliet was a year old, but she's almost two now and we still haven't done any wedding preparations.

It's not that we don't want to get married, but there's always something coming up that's why it keeps getting delayed. After Roger recovered from giving birth, we immediately had rehearsals and went on tour. Then when we came back, we were bombarded with TV guestings and interviews. After that, the holidays came, and immediately after the holiday break, we went back to the studio to record our next album.

We were getting so busy and I'm afraid that we won't get a chance to even plan this wedding at all.

"You know I would marry you right now if I could, love." I started and he hummed. "But I also want to give you the wedding of your dreams. I want to marry you in Chingford in front of all our family and friends. I want to proclaim my love to you with them as my witness." 

"So I guess it won't be happening anytime soon, then." He sounded defeated and he looked down but I gently grabbed his chin and made him look at me. 

"I could marry you right now, love. Do you want to? We can go down to the register office and tie the knot. I could call Freddie and Brian as our witness, love. Just tell me and I would do that." I said and I saw him smile and nod slowly.

"Let's get married today, babe." He squealed and wrapped his arms around my neck. I pulled him a bit and kissed his forehead as I stared at his beautiful eyes.

"I can't wait to marry you today, my love. I can't wait to call you my husband at the end of the day."

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