13 - A sham it seems

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My head was pounding when I woke up that morning. I tried opening my eyes but it was still too heavy, and I need a few more hours of sleep. I tried adjusting my position when I felt something heavy on my chest.

Someone was snuggling against me and my eyes went wide when I realized that it was...


Oh god. Why is he naked? I thought but I sighed in relief when I saw that I still have my clothes on.

I stared at his blonde hair for quite a while before I noticed that his eyes were already open and he was staring at the wall. He must've felt that I was awake as well because he looked up and removed his hands from my chest, eventually going back to his side of the bed.

"Why are you in my room?" He nonchalantly said. His tone was cold. Too cold that I could've frozen to death. I sat up, obviously shocked by his reaction and I looked at him. "Y-you were drunk and I... I helped you in bed..." I stuttered and he immediately shushed me.

"I think you should go." He said that monotonously and I could hear my heart shatter into a million pieces.

I really thought that last night would have been the start of me repairing my relationship with him. But I guess all of it was too good to be true.

I started walking out of the room and slowly closed the door behind me. As soon as it was shut, I heard Roger's soft sobs inside and I can't help but cry as well.

I fucked up. I fucked up so bad and I don't know how to start pulling him out of his hurt and misery.

My body slumped itself to the bed when I arrived and I just curled there and hugged my pillow. I could still feel Roger's soft skin and warm body snuggled on my chest, and I cried harder because I realized that I don't know when I'll ever feel him again.

My eyes went to the wall clock and it was the time when everyone will now be down for the breakfast buffet, but I am in no mood to go and mingle with people so I called room service and ordered a plate of their big breakfast meal.

Today was a rest day for all of us and we could do whatever we want. I planned this day in my head as soon as Roger had let me stay the night in his room. We would have a movie marathon with some caramel popcorn, then go window shopping at the outlets downtown. I also intended to talk to him and try to work out everything.

But sadly, he kicked me out of his room and I couldn't do anything about it. After all, it all boils down to one thing: he is hurt and it was all my fault!

I decided to go to the outlets by myself as I couldn't keep moping around in my room. I would go absolutely insane! As I stepped into one of the stores, my eyes went to a pair of soft, green and white socks that I know Roger would want so I bought it. I will have to find out a way to give this to him.

I also stopped by a sandwich shop and bought myself a twelve inch BLT sub so I will have something to eat because I intend to watch a movie when I get back.

As I was walking in the hallway to my room, I saw the blonde haired boy sitting on the floor beside my door and he looked up at me as I came close. He put his arms around my neck and he hugged me... tight.

I was shocked, to be honest. I didn't expect him to be this touchy to me after he made me leave his room this morning. "Can we talk?" He whispered through my ear and I nodded as I opened the door and led him inside.

He sat on my bed and his eyes looked at the sub in my hand. "What do you have there?" He pointed and I gave it to him. "A BLT. Do you want to share it?"

"I don't know." He said. "I think we should talk first." He looked at me and I nodded and sat beside him. I held his warm hand and he didn't pull away which made me smile. "Rog, before you say anything, I just want to tell you that I'm sorry. For all the pain I've caused you." I felt my eyes stinging as tears fell down.

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