28 - My game of love has just began

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I held John's body tighter as my eyes fluttered open, the rays of the morning sun directed towards our bed. Our? Is it our bed now? I'm not sure. But I'm claiming it.

John was still drooling on the pillow when I looked up at him and I gently tapped his chest to wake him up. "Babe?" I whispered and tapped him again. He gave me a groan and rolled over to turn his back on me. "Someone's in a pissy mood this morning." I chuckled and stood up, leaving him to sleep some more.

My mouth watered as I smelled the freshly fried bacon from the kitchen and I walked faster and saw Freddie setting up the table, arranging the toast, eggs, and bacon in the middle.

"Good morning, dear." He looked up and smiled at me. I forgot that he was also living here with John since I left. I saw that he had placed three mugs and three plates on the table as if he knew that I was going to be joining them.

"Uh.. How did you know I was here?" I said and he playfully rolled his eyes at me and chuckled. "You two weren't exactly quiet, dear. I could hear your giggling and feet stomping in the hallways last night. And why were you even running?" He scrunched his face and I laughed. "Sorry about that, Fred. We were just teasing each other and things got a little out of hand. I hope we didn't keep you awake."

"That's the reason why there's a full pot of coffee in the kitchen." He chuckled. "But it's okay, I don't mind. It's great having you here. I've never seen John laugh that much since... you know." He looked at me and I sighed. I felt a sting in my heart but I quickly shrugged it off. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Fred apologized and I shook my head.

"No. Don't say sorry. I understand." I gave him a small smile and walked to the table, grabbing a mug on the way to fill up with coffee from the kitchen. He was already seated when I came back so I took the seat in front of him and grabbed a toast.

"Thank you for being there for John. I really appreciate it." I said as I nibbled on my toast and he nodded. "I would do anything for him, to be honest." My chest became heavy when he said that and I tried to push the staggering thoughts that are forming inside my head. I mean, they just have a platonic relationship. They're just best friends, right?

As if on cue, John walked in the dining room before the conversation became more awkward and I stood up and greeted him with a peck on the lips. "Good morning, babe." I smiled and he gave me a kiss back then took a seat beside me. Freddie tried to hide his dismay by taking a sip of his coffee, a frown forming on his face. I was so confused by his facial expressions and my chest became heavier and heavier.

No. Don't overthink too much, Rog. There's nothing going on.

"What do you want to drink, babe?" I asked John and he held my hand. "Some coffee would be nice. It's going to be a long day, for me at least. I haven't packed my things yet and we're leaving tomorrow." I nodded and was about to stand up to get his drink but he held my hand tighter. "I'll just share yours, love. Just stay here. You're comfortable." He rested his head on my shoulder and I smiled.

"Put your arm around me, love." He whined and I did as he asked, chuckling while I wrapped my arm around his body and gave his cheek a little pinch. "I'm sorry for being clingy. I just missed you." He looked up and I smacked my lips on to his. "I missed you too, babe."

Freddie cleared his throat and we both looked at him. "Okay, darlings. I'll leave the table now before you two love birds start fucking in here." We all laughed and he stood up, placed his plate on the sink, then went back inside the guest room.

I looked at John and stroked his hair as my lips formed a smile. "You are so beautiful, don't you know that?" He smiled back and held my hand tighter. "You always say the right words, Rog. I love you so much." He leaned towards me and brushed his lips to mine. I pulled him closer, trying to taste his soft lips more. I kissed him the way he wanted to be kissed, soft and passionate but not too rough. A kiss with no lust, just pure love and care for each other.

My cheeks formed a blush as he worked his mouth against mine, his hand gripping the back of my neck to deepen our kiss. I can't believe that I still feel shy with the way he was kissing me after all the times that we did it. Maybe because this time, it was different. We longed for each other and we both intend to make the other feel it.

A moan escaped my lips as we pulled away to catch our breaths. John's cheeks were bright as an apple and we were both grinning from ear to ear. "I love you so much, babe. I'll love you forever, always remember that." I stroked his cheek and he wrapped his arms around my chest. "I love you too."

"I can hear your moan, Roger! Don't fuck in front of the food!" Freddie shouted from his room and we both laughed. "We better finish our breakfast before he kicks us out of the dining room." I chuckled and John started chomping down a bit of egg in his mouth.

"I hate to leave you right now but I have to go back to my flat. I'm all packed up and ready so I just have to get my suitcase and bring it over here." He nodded and I continued. "I also have to talk to Dom." I sighed and he held my hand. "Promise me you'll be back?"

"I won't leave you. Not anymore, I promise."

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