20 - You win, you lose

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I updated parts 19 & 20 today but I'm not sure why it's not appearing on the notifications bar. :( Is chapter 19 appearing in your end?


I kissed Roger deeper, feeling the warmth in his kiss, and the softness of his body. The love that I feel for him is overwhelming, and if I need to show that to him over and over again just to remove all of the doubts in his mind, then I'll happily do it.

"Do you want to take this upstairs?" I whispered in his ear and he nodded as he straddled on my lap and I stood up, carrying him and holding his bum as I took him to our bedroom.

I laid him down on the bed and started peeling off the suit from his body until he was left in just his underwear. "You're so beautiful, love." I smiled and I took off my suit as well, then crashed my lips into his again, savoring his soft lips against mine.

He encircled his arm around my neck and pulled me in a deeper kiss, my tongue slipping inside his mouth with a moan. His hands were brushing against my body, touching every part he could until he rolled us over and he sat on top of me.

"I love you so much, babe." He breathed against my ear then kissed my lips, down to my neck, and to my chest. He sucked the skin and placed little marks on it, and I groaned as I squeezed his arm and grinded against his crotch.

His hands immediately removed my underwear and palmed my balls, then his hands went up through my length, and his fingers were fiddling on the tip as I moaned in pleasure. It gave me a tingling sensation on the bottom of my stomach and it feels so good.

He squeezed his palm against my thing and I felt his tongue circling around my tip, tasting my pre cum and spreading it towards my hard cock. He made sure to slobber all over it, making it wet and ready for him.

He sucked his way down to his throat, and I felt myself all inside his mouth and I pulled his hair slightly which made him moan, his vibrations sending me over the edge as he pulled me out of his mouth and went back to kiss me.

"Lay down." I softly said and he rolled over with his back against the bed, then I went down, feeling his hole on my finger and slowly circling around it then I pushed a finger inside, making him moan and wriggle on the bed while pushing himself more towards my finger.

"More, babe. I want more." He whined and I pushed one more finger, twisting it inside to open him up some more and he clenched his hands on the bedsheets as he held his screams. He gasped when I pulled my fingers out of him and kissed him deeper on the lips as I reached for the lube on the bedside table but he slapped it away from me and whispered. "Fuck me roughly."

His words alone made me so hot that I shoved him against the headboard of the bed and abruptly entered him, making his loud moans echo through the room and I grunted harder as I went in and out of him. "You're so tight. Fuck." I mumbled and continued pounding in his hole.

I was getting so close to my climax so I stroked Roger's hard cock, timing my thrusts with my strokes which made him arch his back more, then he reached out to hold on to my arms, scratching it as he tried to contain everything that he was feeling. "Oh god, babe, I'm coming." He moaned and I moved faster, feeling his hole deeper into my cock and he screamed as he released his cum all over our stomachs.

I pounded into him a little more as I released myself inside him, grinding my cock further to get every single drop of my cum inside him. We both panted as I dropped against his chest, feeling our fast heartbeats as we both waited for us to calm down and come back to reality.

"That was so good, babe. I love you so much." He said as he rolled me over so I'll lay down next to him and he snuggled against my chest. "You were amazing as well." I smiled and he hummed as his breathing slowed down and I felt his head get heavy on my chest.

"Good night, my love. Sleep well." I kissed the top of his head one last time and went to sleep.

Roger was playing with my hand when I woke up and he was trying to giggle quietly but I heard him so I rubbed my palm on his face. He tried getting away from me but I placed more weight on him and he slapped my hand. "Ugh. I hate you. You almost rubbed off my face." He pouted and I giggled.

"You're beautiful face won't be rubbed off, love. It's forever stuck in your face." I laughed and he scoffed at me. "Aww. Don't be mad at me, love." I hugged him tight and he laid me down and straddled on top of me.

He held both of my cheeks and kissed my lips, nibbling my lower lip and he was making little noises on my mouth. "Why are you giggling again, love?" I pulled him away and he smiled at me. "Look at your left hand." He said and I put my hand up in the air.

Something was shining on my finger and I smiled at my boyfriend. "Where did you get this? It's beautiful, love." I said and he took my hand and kissed the finger with the ring on it. "It's a secret, babe." He winked and I pinched his cheek. "Do you like it?"

"I do. Thank you so much." I pulled his head and gave him a peck on the lips then looked at my ring again. It has the same design as the one that he has, an infinity symbol but it's a little bit smaller and has a small rhinestone in the middle.

"Let's have a lazy day, babe. I just want to cuddle with you here in bed." He said then pulled me into a hug. "I'll just order us breakfast, yeah?" I told him and he nodded as he pulled the duvet over his shoulders.

I ended up calling a fast food restaurant for breakfast then I went back to bed and pulled Roger up, dragging him to the loo for a shower. I ran the shower and took a bar of soap then rubbed it around his body.

We washed each other up and dried ourselves off, then my boyfriend excitedly run off to our bed and jumped on it, making the bed squeak and the duvet fluffing up in the air.

I just laughed and shook my head and hugged the blonde-haired boy while he gave me little kisses on the face. "Why're you kissing me so much?" I asked him in between my giggles and he just continued doing it. "Because I love you so much."

The doorbell rang and I wore a housecoat and hurried down to the door. I got us pancakes, two cups of coffee, and some sausage rolls for breakfast. Roger was practically drooling as he smelled the food and he immediately dived in.

Since it was a lazy day and we really do not have anything else to do, I turned the telly on in the room and watched whatever was on. I couldn't focus on the show because Roger kept kissing me and touching me and pulling me close to him. He was so clingy and I loved it.

We both got tired at around one pm and my boyfriend was already snoring on my chest as he was cuddling next to me. I tried closing my eyes as well to sleep but couldn't so I carefully removed his arm around me and went down to heat some milk up in the microwave.

I pulled out a mug and poured some milk then heated it for about thirty seconds. As I was getting it out, the phone rang so I walked towards the living room with my mug and answered the call.

"Hello. This is John." I hummed and there was a bit of sobbing on the other line before I heard a voice.

"Hello. May I speak with Roger Taylor?" It was a woman's voice and it was kind of an unfamiliar one.

"May I know who this is?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is Dominique Beyrand. I got your number from the studio."

"Who?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I got a little bit confused because I don't know any Dominique and this number is a private number. No one knows about this except our family, friends, and the management.

"I know you don't know me, but may I speak with Roger, please?"

"He's sleeping right now, can I just take a message?" I said calmly but I am rolling my eyes. I don't know why she wants to speak to my boyfriend and it's making me lose my patience.

The woman cleared her throat and spoke again. "Yeah. Uh.." She stuttered and I tapped my fingers on the receiver.

"Could you please tell him that I just gave birth yesterday?" She said softly and I just furrowed my brows even more.

I was about to lash out on her, telling her why it is any of my boyfriend's business but what she said next made me drop my mug and slump on the floor.

"I just gave birth to Roger's baby."

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