29 - You made me live again

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I got to bring Felix with me to John's for the day so we could have a little bonding moment before I had to leave him again for the tour. Dom was practically ignoring me when I went back to the flat earlier. She just continued reading her magazine in the living room and basically treated me like I was invisible, even if I tried talking to her.

She must really hate me, I have to say, because she already packed the rest of my things and I just had to wheel them out to the back of my car. Either she wants me out of the house immediately, or she still cares enough to do it for me. Well, maybe it's the first one.

She gave me a little hum when I asked if I could be with Felix today so I drove to her mum's and I swear I saw her mum glare at me when I went there to pick up my baby. She obviously already knew what happened between her daughter and I, and she hates me too.

Felix was babbling in his car seat at the back while I drove to John's and I giggled softly. He was being cute and I think he was trying to make a conversation with me so I tried talking to him, looking at the rear-view mirror occasionally so I could see him.

"Look who's here!" I announced as I went inside the house and Felix must've heard the excitement in my voice because he squealed and clapped his hands on my cheek. "Ouch, baby, don't do that."

I heard John giggling on my side, I assumed that he saw Felix practically slap my face, and so he took him and bounced him around the living room. My baby was jumping on his chest and a big smile was plastered on my boyfriend's face as he looked back at me.

"You really look good with a baby, don't you think?" I said and kissed his cheek then Felix put his hand in between and pushed me away. "Hey, I was trying to kiss your uncle." I kissed John again and my baby whimpered and snuggled against his chest. "Oh I see. You don't want to share him, don't you?" I chuckled and rubbed his soft head before the three of us sat in the living room.

"Have you finished packing?" I asked and John shook his head. "Not yet, but I'm almost finished, though." I tried getting my baby off of him so he could finish preparing his things but Felix pushed himself harder on his chest and cried.

"Someone's getting grumpy." I chuckled. "I'll put him down for a nap, okay? Stay here." John kissed my lips then went up to the bedroom. I was looking around the house, trying to look for something to do when I felt a little bit of hunger so I got up and ordered us a box of pizza.

"Freddie left this morning." John wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck as I put down the phone. "He said he'll also be packing so we'll just see him at the airport tomorrow." I hummed and faced him. "I ordered us pizza. Are you hungry?"

"Not much but I'll eat with you." He smiled and I took him back to the living room, getting some throw pillows from the couch and layering it on the arm of the sofa so my neck won't hurt when I lay down. I pulled my boyfriend's body against me and I spooned him, holding his hand and running my thumb against his ring finger.

"You're getting thin, babe. You really should eat with me." I joked and he slapped my arm with his free hand. "I don't really know why I'm not gaining weight, you know? And I snack all the time. Maybe it's my body structure, I don't know."

I held him tighter and pulled his hand against my lips, kissing it before letting it go. "You lucky lad! My face is already getting a double chin. It's annoying." I huffed and he rolled over to face me. "Aww. Don't say that, love." He giggled and pinched the fat that was forming on my face. "I love your double chin, it's cute."

"So you are confirming that I'm fat, aren't you?" I rolled my eyes and he giggled some more. "Nope. And even if you were fat, which you aren't, why would I care? I love you just the way you are."

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