19 - Rain running down my face

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Christmas flew by quickly and Roger and I just spent our day cuddling in front of the fireplace, binge eating some chips and chocolates, and watching some cheesy Christmas movies on the telly.

I gave him the socks I bought for him while in Portland and a bunch of tools for the kitchen as a gift. He has been immersed in baking lately and guess what he learned to bake first? Yup, his favorite chocolate chip muffins. I guess my little intervention didn't work.

But he was enjoying it, so I let him do that. He boxed up his treats and gave it as a gift to our friends and families. They loved it, he loved making it, everyone was happy.

Freddie invited us to a holiday dinner party at his mansion on the 28th but Roger was debating if we should go because for one, he hasn't spoken to Fred in a while and he still doesn't feel like speaking to him, and two, he wasn't sure what to feel about going because he knows Veronica will be there, too.

"I'm not really sure about going, babe." He sighed heavily and I just nodded. "I'm sure Freddie will understand. Why don't you call him?" I told him and he stood up and reached for the wall phone.

"I don't know what to say." His voice was soft so I stood up and took the phone from him. "I'll do it, love. Just relax on the bed, okay? I kissed his forehead and he went back to the bed."

The phone rang for a few seconds and I heard Freddie's voice on the other line.

"Hello. Who's this?" His voice was deep, it almost sounds like he just woke up.

"Hi. It's John. Is this a good time?"

There was shuffling in the background and his voice chirped up a bit. "Yes, it is. How are you, dear?"

"I'm good. How about you?"

"All is well, darling. Are you going to my party?" He sounded hopeful and I hate to let him down.

"Uh, about that. I think we can't make it." I said and he gasped a little.

"What? Why not?" He whined and I can feel that he was pouting his lips over the phone.

"Roger doesn't feel comfortable being around Veronica, you know?" I sighed then continued. "I don't, too."

"Did something happen? Why? Don't you like her?" He asked and I was actually thinking if I should tell him. I must've been quiet on the line for a  while because he spoke again.

"Hello? Hello, John? I'll come there, don't leave." He hurriedly said and the line went dead. I placed the phone on the receiver and sighed heavily.

"What did he say, babe?" Roger asked and he sat up. "I think he's coming here." My boyfriend's eyes went wide and he shook his head. "No. I don't want to talk to him yet."

"That's fine. You can stay up here and I'll meet him downstairs. I'll just tell him you're sick, okay?" I kissed his lips and he calmed down then I laid next to him and just hugged him until I heard the doorbell ringing so I gave Roger one last kiss on the forehead and went down.

"Hi." I said meekly as I opened the door and Freddie smiled at me. "Come in." He nodded then went to sit on the couch. "Wait for me. I'll just bring you something to eat, okay?"

I brought out two mugs of green tea and a plate of muffins for both of us to snack on. "Where's Roger?" He said as I sat down on the couch next to him and he looked at me. "Is he still mad? I already apologized, I don't know what to do anymore."

"No. He's just... sick." I said. I hated lying to my best friend but it needs to be done. "Is he pregnant again?" He asked and I shook my head. "No. Not at the moment."

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