34 - I love you 'til I die

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John fell asleep after we finished eating and his arms were wrapped around me so I just laid there and stared at the ceiling. My adrenaline got the best of me so I had a chock full of energy and I was too excited to even fall asleep.

I wasn't planning on getting up but the doorbell rang so I needed to. I shuffled my body a bit and removed John's arms from me, carefully so he won't wake up. Thankfully, he didn't and he just rolled over to the other side of the bed so I got up and made my way towards the door.

"Hi, my baby boy." I cooed when I opened the door and saw Felix on his feet, clutched to Dominique's leg. He squealed when he saw me and raised his arms in the air, making him lose his balance and topple down bum first on the floor. "Oh gosh, be careful baby." I said and Dom picked him up and rested him on her hips.

He wasn't much of a cryer and he just giggled when he fell down which made me smile. "Come in, you two." I leaned and opened the door wider and lead them down to the living room couch. "How are you, Rog? You've been very busy since I last saw you." She eyed my bump before looking at my eyes.

We've come to good terms with each other since our break up and she said that she has forgiven me, which is great because I don't want to be in a rough patch with her since she's the mother of my child. We've now grown closer to each other and I think we work out better as friends rather than as lovers.

"Yeah, you could say that. Twenty-three weeks now." I chuckled as I pointed at my bump. She hummed and was about to say something when Felix crawled under my legs, wanting to be held. "You're getting too big for dada, aren't you?" I said as I struggled to carry him up. I placed him just beside me and he looked at my swollen tummy curiously.

He tapped it with his little finger twice then looked up. "That's your baby sister, my love." I smiled and he looked down at my bump again, observing it as if it was a relic or something. "I think he's confused right now." I told Dom and we both chuckled. Felix really looked like his mind was blown with what I said, if he even understood what I said.

"Be?" He squeaked and I cooed at him. So he did understand what I said. "Yes Felix, that's your baby." I nodded at him as I rubbed his head. What he did next made me tear up. He wrapped his tiny arms around my tummy and bumped his head in the middle, he was probably meaning to kiss it but he doesn't know how to so it came out as if he just hit his head on my tummy.

Dom saw my tears and she searched for a tissue in her handbag and held it out to me. "Are you okay, Rog?" She asked and I nodded. "Yeah, sorry about that. Felix is just too sweet to his sister and it made me emotional." 

"He can be really sweet if he wanted too, you know." She said and I held my baby closer to me and kissed the top of his head. "Continue being sweet to other people, okay? Just don't use it to break the ladies' heart. I'll surely slap your bum if you do." I chuckled as I sniffled and let him down to crawl around the room.

"Before I forget, I have something to give you." I told Dom and I stood up and took the brown envelope from the kitchen counter, then I went back to my seat on the couch. "Here."

"What is this?" Dom asked as she opened the envelope and took out some papers and two keys. "It's the house in Surrey that I promised you. Everything's all settled and paid for. It's also already fully furnished so you can move in as soon as possible." I smiled and she put her hand over her mouth, then wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tightly.

"Oh gosh, thank you! Thank you so much! You didn't have to do this. We're perfectly fine in your old flat." She said and I shook my head. "That's nonsense. I want the best for both of you. And stop thanking me, I owe you that much for taking care of our baby." I said and she was still smiling wide as she looked at the papers. It was all written down in her name.

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