9 - You were made for me

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"Why are you already up this early, babe?" I sleepily asked my boyfriend when I passed by the dining room to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. He was sitting with his tea on the dining table and there were a bunch of papers in front of him. John stood up and kissed my cheek then led me to sit in the chair beside him. "Just looking at some stuff. I'm planning to go back to university."

"Why?" I asked. As far as I know, he already got his BSc from Chelsea College. "I'm planning to get an MSc in Sound and Vibration, love." He smiled. He was so academically inclined and that was one of the things I like about him. He always has this thirst to expand his knowledge in his field.

"That's great, babe." I said enthusiastically. "When do you start?" He read through a paper and turned to me. "Qualifying exams are on the 10th, results will be released on the 12th, and I really hope I pass because then, classes will start on the 25th of next month."

I held his hand. "You'll pass, babe. I just know it." I gave him a reassuring smile and yawned a bit. "And I need to pass out right now." I chuckled a bit. "I'll sleep some more, okay?" He nodded and I went back to bed.

I was happy that John is pursuing his passion but I kind of worried about him. I don't want him to strain himself as his body has just recovered after coming home from the hospital three weeks ago.

The band was contacted by an agent a week after the gig at Bedford College, and now we are signed under Trident Studios. John was still picking up early morning shifts at the coffee shop, and now he is planning to pursue his MSc. I think his plate is already a little bit too full.

"Are you sure about getting an MSc while working at the coffee shop AND doing band duties at the new studio?" I asked as I walked back to the dining room. We decided that it would be best to re-record the album that we made when we were still in Syntheche Studios in the new studio so we could take advantage of the hi-tech recording equipment they have in there.

"I am love. Why do you ask?" He gave me a confused look and I sat on the chair beside him. "I don't know. I'm just worried that you'll exhaust yourself too much." I kissed his cheek softly. "I don't want your body giving up on you."

"I'll take care of myself. I promise. I can do this." He said. "Why do you want to take an MSc so bad? Couldn't that wait until you have more free time on your hands?"

"I know it could wait. But I need to do this, love. It's just a backup plan. A 'just in case'." I scrunched up my face as I heard what he said. "What do you mean 'just in case'? Just in case the band doesn't take off? Is that what you mean?" I think I said that a little too loudly because John jumped a little then gave my hand a small squeeze.

"That's not what I mean, love." He said and I shook my head as I rolled my eyes at him. "Why don't you just say the words, huh? Just tell it right to my face that you don't trust that the band will take off... that WE will take off." I gave emphasis on my words.

He sighed heavily. "To be honest, I am just afraid and I want to protect myself. I mean, look at us! We're not stable. And I want to have a fall back just in case things do not work out the way we wanted it to be." He caressed my cheeks and continued. "I trust you. I trust all of you. I know we are great but I just want to secure my life. So that whatever happens, I can still provide for you. For us."

My heart softened as he gave me a small smile. The little fucker always knows what to say! I thought.

"You see a future with me?" I asked, my eyes all googly while I looked at him. "Of course, love. Why? Don't you see me in yours?" His smile faded a little and I pinched his cheek softly.

"I do. I always see you. In my dreams. In my thoughts. And in my future." He breathed happily and kissed me on my lips. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss.

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