7 - Fly away, far away

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I woke up with John snuggling against me, softly snoring on my shoulders. I scrunched up my face when I saw that he was drooling a bit so I wiped his mouth on my pillowcase and sat up gently. I'll remind myself to change that later.

John didn't even budge from his position when I got out of bed so I just let him sleep the whole morning. Poor guy had to juggle both his part-time work at the coffee shop and studio work. He must be so exhausted.

I decided to try to prepare lunch for the both of us before I wake him up so I took out some eggs and bacon from the freezer and thawed it out in the sink and I washed the baby potatoes.

While the eggs and slices of bacon were frying, I pan-fried the potatoes with garlic and oyster sauce and I topped it off with some sesame seeds. It's a weird combination, I know, but that's the easiest thing I can cook that won't burn the house down.

Just as I was setting up the table, John slowly walked into the kitchen in his white robe while rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Happy lunch, babe." I smiled and pulled a chair for him at the dining table.

"Wow. You cooked?" He said as he was pulling a plate in front of him and scooped a spoonful of baby potatoes. "I did." I giggled and hugged him from his back before I took my place and sat beside him.

"Are you ready for tomorrow, babe?" I asked while I took a bite of my eggs. "I am love. Super excited." He smiled. We are lined up to perform at Bedford College tomorrow along with the other rookie bands from around London. It was a small gig, but Freddie heard that agents from different recording companies will be there so we took it.

By the time I was finishing up my meal, I noticed that John wasn't even halfway through his food and he was eating unusually slow. "Are you okay, babe?" I asked as I rubbed his forearm.

"I am. Just a little nauseous." He replied as he drank a little bit of his orange juice. "Is it my cooking? Is there something wrong with it?" I panicked and he held my hand to calm me down.

"No, no love. Your food was delicious. I just feel dizzy and slightly nauseous, that's all." He gave me a small smile while he squeezed my hand. I sighed in relief as I smiled back at him. Thank god, it isn't my cooking!

"Do you want to have a lazy day and just lie down?" I asked. We were supposed to rehearse our setlist by ourselves today to prepare for tomorrow's gig, but I guess that could wait until John's feeling better.

"I do. I'll just finish lunch." He nodded as he gulped some orange juice and tried to eat some more eggs but I think his stomach doesn't want to accept any more food. "You can just leave it there for later, babe. Let's get you to bed."

I put my arm around him and led him to the bedroom to lie down, then I pulled a duvet over his shaking body. He was getting the chills. "I'll just get some aspirin for you, then you can continue your sleep okay?" He closed his eyes and nodded then I sprinted towards our medicine closet.

John's eyes were droopy as he took his medicine so I just left him to sleep some more. "Call me when you need me, babe. I'll be in the living room." I kissed his hot forehead and I went out of the room, leaving the door open in case he calls for me.

After I cleaned up everything in the kitchen and left John's food on the counter for later, I took my cassette player and played a cassette tape that has our songs on it. I played it at a very low volume and I mimicked the rhythm of the drums with my hands.

It was nearing dinner time and John still wasn't up from his nap so I went back to bed and snuggled next to him. He tried getting away from me, as he said he doesn't want me to catch his sickness, but I just stayed snuggled next to him.

I really hope he feels better in the morning.

*ding dong*

I suddenly stood up when the doorbell rang so I went to answer it and saw Freddie and Brian at the door with their costumes, obviously already ready for our gig later.

"Hey. Come in, but please be quiet. John's asleep. He's not feeling well since yesterday." I shushed the both of them but especially Freddie because he was stomping his foot towards the living room.

Our relationship was already known by the other half of the band and I am grateful that they were so supportive. John was actually in tears before we told them because he was afraid that they would judge him and so he was actually relieved when Freddie hugged us both after he knew.

"What happened?" Brian asked as he unhooked the strap of his Red from his shoulders and placed it on the sofa. I just shrugged as I took a kettle from the kitchen and boiled some water for my guests.

"He was suddenly ill and he hasn't woken up properly since I gave him his medicine yesterday." I was worried. Why isn't he waking up?

And as if on cue, John was walking slowly towards the living room in his pajamas with a small smile on his face. Freddie abruptly stood up and went over to him to hug him. "How are you? What happened to you?" the singer placed his hand over John's forehead and felt it.

"You're absolutely burning, John." the singer said as he led him towards the sofa. "I'm okay. I can definitely still play later." John smiled. He was still a little bit hazy from his sleep.

"Are you sure? We can definitely cancel. I don't want you to perform if I know you aren't feeling well." Freddie continued to rub John's hair as he nodded. "I can do it."

Brian was driving the mini van to the venue with Freddie on the passenger seat. John was getting a little bit of snooze on my shoulder and I put my arm around him. I really hope he feels better. I don't want to see him like this.

Our setlist was only twenty minutes long but I think that was the longest twenty minutes of my life. It started alright, John was trying to hype himself up by jumping in front of my kit while playing but along the end of our set, he looked like he was going to fall as he was already swaying. I can see his eyes opening and closing slowly.

When John went behind the amplifiers after our final bows, he passed out. My eyes widened as I saw him fall down to the floor and I ran to get him. His body was burning when I touched him and the other two followed behind me.

The event medics took John on a stretcher and carried him to the ambulance to take him to the hospital. I was worried sick and my heart was beating so fast that I was almost panting. Freddie rubbed my back as tears fell down my cheeks. "Shh... Calm down, Roger. He's gonna be okay. We'll go to him, okay?" I nodded and he took me to the mini van.

I still couldn't control my tears when we arrived at the hospital so Brian was the one who talked to the information desk to ask for John's room. I saw my world crashing down in front of me when the nurse said that John...

...my John was in the intensive care unit.

Freddie pulled me into a tight hug and led me to the waiting room of the ICU. "I took care of him, Fred. I don't know what happened." I was crying on his chest and I was almost choking on my words but I don't care. My heart is so heavy right now and I needed to release my emotions.

"Are the relatives of Mister John Deacon already here?" the doctor went inside and looked around the waiting room. I abruptly stood up and went to him. "I am. I'm his... friend."

"What's your name?" The doctor asked while scanning the clipboard on his arms. "Roger Taylor, doc. How is John?"

"Mister Taylor. I hate to be the one telling you this..." He said and I breathe deeply.

"...but Mister Deacon isn't waking up right now. His platelet count has dropped to an alarming level and his body isn't producing enough platelets for him to recover."

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