6 - Safe and Sound

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"I'm off to work now, love." John whispered and kissed my cheeks. "I'll see you at lunch." I just hummed sleepily and he tiptoed until he left my bedroom. I pulled my duvet up to my neck and tried going back to sleep. It's still too early for anyone to be awake because it's bloody five o'clock in the morning!

I twisted and turned around in my bed to find a comfortable sleeping position but I couldn't fall back to sleep. "Well, I guess I am awake now." I grunted and stood up to brush my teeth and make myself an early breakfast.

Ever since the night of his birthday, John and I have been staying at each other's places to spend the night. And this night, he was the one that stayed over.

Nothing makes me so much more happier than snuggling with the person I love the most at the end of the day and waking up to see his beautiful face. I love him so much. And I think three months is more than enough time to decide on taking our relationship to the next level.

I took my plate of buttered toast and a mug of green tea to the living room and watched some telly. Some morning show was on but I couldn't care to watch it as I'm still a little bit dazed by the sleepiness I feel so I just focused on finishing my breakfast and laid on the sofa for a little bit.

"Babe." A soft voice whispered against my ear. My eyes fluttered a bit but it remained closed. "Babe, wake up." He shook my arm so my eyes shot open and I saw John's beautiful smile in front of me.

"Why are you on the couch?" He asked and I scooted over so he can sit beside me. "I don't actually know. I was watching telly and having breakfast then I fell asleep." He giggled and kissed my cheek.

"I brought us lunch." He smiled and took out a brown bag in front of me. "You shouldn't have, babe, I could've cooked for you. Kind of." I chuckled and touched his cheek.

"It's no big deal, my love, I would've taken you out for lunch if you dropped by the coffee shop. But since you're such a sleeping beauty, I decided to bring the lunch here." He giggled and I rolled my eyes at him.

We still visit each other's workplace every now and then, but especially me. I make sure to visit John at the coffee shop when he has his shifts there, and we come home to eat lunch before we proceed to do some studio work in the afternoon.

John really liked going out for walks in the park and lunch dates but I kind of avoided those things ever since the incident with the older woman in the coffee shop. And it's not that I'm embarrassed to be with him, it's just that I don't want him to hear the nasty words that people will, and are, gonna throw at him.

It's better that I hear them instead of him. I'm used to it, and I just don't care at all.

But John. He is different. My John is a softie and I'm afraid that once he heard those things, he'll be discouraged to continue our relationship.

"I've already set up the table, love." John called out from the dining room so I stood up and followed him. "I also got your favorite chocolate chip muffins from the bakeshop." He smiled. My heart fluttered and I hugged him tightly. I don't want him to leave my life.

"I love you. Thanks for this." I kissed him on the lips and he smiled a bit then kissed back. "You're clingy. What's up?" He asked while we both sat down at the dinner table. "I just missed you, that's all."

"I missed you too, my love." He squeezed my hand then pushed a plate with a burger and chips on it. "No ketchup?" I asked and looked up at him. He nodded and I smiled. It's the little things that he does that makes me feel so special, so loved.

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