Epilogue - The last one

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Juliet was upset when she woke up this morning and Felix wasn't there. Roger drove him off earlier to Dom's because he needed to attend an orientation in school. My baby boy will be starting nursery next week and I couldn't have been more emotional because my baby is growing up so fast.

My little princess has not been her usual perky self at the breakfast table and she insisted on eating pancakes with maple syrup instead of her usual egg and sausages because it was her big brother's favorite.

"Are you feeling alright, princess?" I asked and she looked at me and cried. "Dada, Fe'ix." She was crying her eyes out and my heart broke into a million pieces.

I couldn't bear to look at my baby's downhearted face so I picked her up and snuggled her against my chest, then I walked around the room and bounced her in an attempt to calm her down.

"Shh. Don't cry, my love. Felix will be back on the weekend, okay? You two will play again. Do you want that?" I wiped her tears and she looked at me sadly then she nodded.

"I promise that he'll be back, okay?" She nodded again then I kissed her cheek and put her back on her chair. "Eat your breakfast, baby. Felix doesn't want you to go hungry, doesn't he?" She smiled and nodded then ate the rest of her pancakes.

She really loves her big brother.

The front door unlocked and I heard tiny steps running from the living room. I looked up and I saw Roger walking towards us and a small voice shouting from wherever he is.

"Princess!" It was Felix. Juliet looked in the direction of the voice and she flapped her hands around to try and reach her big brother so I stood up and let her down on the floor.

Felix immediately hugged her baby sister and they bounced away to the living room to play or talk or do whatever they do. I sometimes catch them babbling with each other the hide in their makeshift fort that they created using their pillows and sheets.

They're weird kids, but they're my weird kids and I love them.

I went and kissed Roger on the lips then we sat down on the chair in the dining room. "Why are you back with him? I thought you're dropping him off at Dom's?" I asked as I pushed an empty plate at him so he could have some breakfast.

"He was crying the whole way there so I talked to Dom when we arrived and she said that Felix could join the batch two orientation next week. He'll be a little late in starting nursery but I guess that's okay." He said and I nodded then he continued.

"I was thinking of buying them a house on this street, you know? I couldn't bear being this far away from him. It hurts my heart and it's making Juliet upset." I smiled and held his hand. "That's a great idea, love." I couldn't bear being away from my little buddy too.

We heard little footsteps coming towards us then I heard Juliet's squeal as she collapsed near my leg. "Oh gosh, baby, be careful." I said as I picked her up. "Dada, hu't." She whimpered and I kissed her cheek and rubbed her knee. "Does it still hurt, princess?"

She nodded and buried his head on my chest. "Dada, iss c'eam." She whispered and I smiled and kissed the top of her head. "You want some ice cream, my love?" She nodded as she sucked her thumb. "Ask Felix if he wanted ice cream too, okay?" She perked up and jumped off of me and ran back to the living room.

Roger was picking on his food when I looked back at him so I rubbed his back so he'd look at me. "Hey. What are you thinking about?" I asked and he gave me a soft smile. "Do you think it's time?" He said and I immediately understood what he meant so I sighed deeply. "I think it is."

He was talking about bringing Felix and Juliet to the columbarium where the memorial of our should've been first child was. I arranged it during the time that we were grieving because Roger couldn't focus on anything, even his own job, and would spend countless nights crying.

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