2 - You're my Best Friend

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I'm gonna admit it. He makes me happy.

And I am so happy for him. He finally got out of his little cocoon and finally opened up to all of us, which I really appreciated so much. John was not like who he was when we first met him. He became more at ease, always joking around, and was finally sharing what was on his mind. He may have kept a distance from us before, but day by day he became closer and closer to us.

Especially to me.

And I want to know him on a deeper level. So I stood up from the couch that I was sitting on and phoned up John. "Hello? Who's this?" he answered. He had this very deep, groggy voice which I assumed is because he just woke up.

"Hey. It's Roger. Is this a good time?"

"Y-Yeah it is... hold on" and I heard clattering in the background. "Sorry 'bout that Rog, I was laying down in bed a while ago. Anyways, you called?"

"Uh.. yeah it's fine. I just want to ask if... if you're free tonight to hang out or go to a pub or something..." I scrambled. It took a while before I heard his voice again.

"The pub sounds fine. What time?"

"Around six-ish."

"Alright. I'll meet you there. See you, Rog."

"See you. Bye." And I put down the phone down and looked at the clock. It's now half-past four so I went to the loo to take a quick shower. I rolled on deodorant on my underarms to make me smell nice then went to blow dry and style my hair. I ruffled it up a bit to make it look alive then went to my room, still in my towel, and looked at my dresser to decide on what to wear.

I wanted to look nice but not too overly dressed so I picked a simple white shirt with a black leather jacket and blue trousers. I paired my outfit with white trainers and looked at myself one last time in the mirror. "I look good." I smiled to myself then looked at the clock. It's now half-past five so I went out to walk to the pub where I will meet John.

I saw him standing in front of the pub and looking at the watch in his hand, gently tapping it with his fingers. He was wearing black trousers and a white shirt with long sleeves with a pair of brown leather boots. His hair was straightened down to his shoulders and he was wearing a brown beret cap. I unconsciously also looked at my watch and saw the time. "5:55. Not late." I mumbled to myself.

I tapped John's shoulders which made him jump a little and look at me abruptly but smiled when he recognized me. "You scared me there for a second, mate." He said and I chuckled. "I'm sorry 'bout that." He nodded. "Come on, let's find a seat in the bar." I said then led him inside.

It was not too crowded when we entered the pub and we immediately got our seats at the bar. "What would you like to drink today?" I looked at John and I saw him looking at the list of drinks on the menu board above the bar. "The Moscow Mule sounds good, doesn't it?" Then he looked back at me. "I think so, yeah." I said and raised my hand to call the attention of the bartender.

He gave me my pint of Heineken in a cold beer mug and John's in a copper mug with a lime slice on the rim and mint on top of the ice. We both thanked the bartender and went to look for a table so we could have a little bit of privacy as the pub is slowly filling up with people wanting to be drunk.

We chose a table near the window and the AC. "How's your drink?" I said then pointed at his mug. "It's different. But it's good. I'm surprised." He chuckled a bit and I saw how his face lights up when he's smiling. "How's yours?"

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