23 - This is a tricky situation

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"John, are you ready to go?" Freddie called out to me and I stood up from the sofa and went outside the driveway, riding on to the driver's seat of the car to go to Shepperton Studios for rehearsals before we embark on the European leg of the News of the World tour.

It's been four months since I last saw Roger, and it was during the new year. He calls me every day since then, asking me how I am or what am I doing right now. We talked about basically anything we could think of. Sometimes, both of us would say nothing and just hearing our breaths makes the both of us calmer and at peace.

But it makes me feel guilty because I don't want to be tagged as a homewrecker, even if I am not. And talking to him practically everyday defeats the purpose of letting him go. I wanted to give him a chance to rebuild his relationship with Dominique and Felix, so I tried dodging his calls, making them go to voicemail or asking Freddie to answer them for me.

Speaking of Freddie, he has been living with me since January and I appreciate everything he had done for me. He was there when I was at rock bottom and he had supported me until I got back on my feet. He really is a true friend and I am lucky to have him here by my side.

I actually took him out for Valentine's day. It was a simple, platonic, friendly date and he loved it. I told him it was my way of saying thank you for not leaving me when I was at my worst and he cried right in the middle of the restaurant. I told him to keep it down because people might think I was letting him down or something on Valentine's and he just giggled at me and gave me a hug. 

My heart was racing as I parked my car in front of the studio. All I could think about was seeing again the blonde-haired man that I have always loved.

As we entered the studio, his eyes caught mine and we both smiled at the sight of each other. He was wearing a green polo with brown trousers and his perfectly combed hair was shining. He was so beautiful.

"Hi." He showed me his beaming smile as he approached me and I felt butterflies on my stomach. He still has that effect on me and I know that he knows it.

"Hi, Rog. How are you?" I shyly said and he just put my arms around my neck and gave me a tight hug. "I missed you." He whispered through my ear and it gave me shivers down my spine. I wrapped my arms on his waist and hugged him back.

It was an emotional moment, for me at least. I felt our hearts beating in sync with one another as I inhaled his familiar scent. He wore a minimal amount of perfume and his smell soothed me.

He pulled away and looked in my eyes. His eyes were sparkling and I cannot believe how perfect he was. I still love this man. I really do.

"Beers, anyone?" Dave shouted around the room and I waved at him so he gave me and Roger a bottle each. "You didn't quite answer my question." I said as I took a sip of my beer.

"I'm quite well, actually." He smiled as we walked to the middle of the stage and he was brushing his fingers on the back of my hand. It was obvious that he wanted to hold it a bit but I acted like I didn't notice and just let him do that.

A pout formed on his lips when he realized that I wasn't going to hold his hand anytime soon and I pucked my lips to suppress my giggle. God, he was so cute!

"How about you? How are you doing?" He asked as I slipped my bass guitar over my body. "I'm fine as well." I smiled and he nodded. "Glad you're doing well."

Roger basically flirted with me throughout rehearsals, with him occasionally rubbing his hand on my arm and giggling like a schoolgirl even if I didn't say anything funny. He was so obvious and knowing him, I doubt that he even tried to hide it.

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