5 - This thing called Love

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I woke up extra early today to prepare my surprise for John's birthday. We've been official for a month now so I wanted to treat him extra special on his special day. And because I love him so much, I wanted to top what he did for my birthday.

"Good morning, lovey-dovey" John smiled as he hugged me from my back and put his head on my shoulder. I scrunched my nose as I faced him. "What? You don't want me calling you my 'lovey-dovey'" he giggled. I slightly pinched his cheeks and giggled with him as well.

God, I'm so in love with him.

"Don't call me that. It's too cheesy." I groaned then looked at his hand that is currently fiddling with his back pocket. "What you got there?" I pointed at his hand.

"Close your eyes first." He smiled and I closed my eyes. I felt something cold being placed on my neck. "Open your eyes, love." I saw his sweet smile and I looked at the thing on my neck. It was beautiful.

"You got me a necklace?" My smile was so wide my lips are gonna rip out of my face. He nodded and smiled at me as I continued touching the pendant. It was the same as the promise ring he gave me, an infinity symbol.

"Do you like it?" He asked. I nodded in response as I held his cheeks and kissed him on his lips. I felt him giggling as I was kissing him so I placed my hand on his butt and squeezed it playfully. He was still giggling as he pulled away. "Stop it, Rog." And I just winked at him which made him blush.

"Thank you for making me feel special, John." I smiled as I stroked his hair. He just smiled at me and gave me a tight hug. "Happy birthday, love. Thank you for coming to my life."

Yes. I love him. And I wanted to finally tell him that today.

I'm planning to visit him at his part-time work today so I could give him my gift, then we will go together to the studio for a recording session with Freddie and Brian.

We're still working our day jobs because the band hasn't taken off yet and we needed a stable income at the moment for our everyday needs. John has early shifts at a local coffee shop as a barista two blocks away from my flat, and I work as a shopkeeper with Freddie at the Kensington market. Brian was well supported by his family so he was just focused on the band.

I started preparing the flat so it would be ready when I bring John here for his surprise. As I looked up at the clock, I saw that his shift would be ending soon so I quickly cleaned up the scattered mess in the dining room and I took my coat then started walking to the coffee shop.

I was fiddling with the small, black pouch in my pocket as I waited for him to finish his shift and clock out. I was sat near the open window and I looked at him behind the counter. He had a small blush on his cheeks as he was assisting an older woman with her order. I assumed she was complimenting how good he looks with his white, long-sleeved shirt and brown apron with his hair tied up to a bun. He has some loose baby hair on the side of his face but that made him looked a lot more cuter.

He gave me a small wave when he saw me and I waved back as I saw him go to the backroom and went out with his apron in his hand. "Have you been waiting long, love?" he asked then gave me a peck on the cheek. "It's alright." I smiled. "I have something for you." I said as I held his hand and he sat on the chair in front of me.

I took out the black pouch and placed it on his palm. "Happy birthday, babe." He opened it and his hand went to his mouth, containing his squeals in excitement. "Oh god..." He mumbled.

It was a dragon's heart metal bass pick with his zodiac engraved on the front and his name on the back. He always loved the idea of using a bass pick for a more heavier sound but the other guys seemed adamant about it. And me giving one to him means I fully support whatever he wants for his music.

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