8 - Don't feel no pain anymore

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"Do you want me to bring you home? You've not slept properly." Freddie whispered when he sat beside me and handed me a vending machine coffee on a styrofoam cup. I just shook my head and took a sip. "Just rest your body, please? It won't be good for you." my friend wrapped his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

To be honest, my body is tired. So tired. But I can't bring myself to go home and sleep when I know that John is still in the intensive care unit. I just want to be here, in the hospital. I want to be there when he wakes up. I want to be there when he recovers. I want to be the first person he sees when he opens his pretty brown eyes.

"The doctors said that you need to be fully rested before the procedure." Freddie rubbed my arms as I closed my eyes and sighed deeply.

Unfortunately, John's platelet count and white blood cells have dropped drastically within the last forty-eight hours and his body is too weak to reproduce them on its own. The doctors have suggested blood transfusions to replace the ones that John has lost.

All three of us have volunteered to get tested to see if our blood matched John's. Me and Freddie matched but I told him that I'll be the one to do it. The singer was relieved because he would actually faint at the sight of even a single droplet of his own blood.

"Brian will pick you up. I will stay here for you, I promise. Just please rest... for John." He hugged me tight and a tear fell on my cheek as I heard my boyfriend's name. I nodded slowly and Freddie walked with me to the mini van, Brian is already in the driver's seat.

I arrived at my flat, completely spaced out, and I went to lie down on my bed. I was worried sick and I do not know what to do anymore. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes. It wasn't long until exhaustion took over and I dozed off.

"Rog?" Brian tapped my arm as he was waking me up. My eyes shot open and sat up immediately. "Come on, Rog. It's time." He gave me a soft smile as I stood up and went to the loo to gargle some mouthwash and we went back to the hospital.

The nurses were ready for me when I arrived at the medical laboratory. I laid down in bed and then a nurse, her name tag says Mila, strapped the inflatable cuff of the sphygmomanometer to measure my blood pressure. "Is it too tight?" She asked and I shook my head and smiled a bit.

"Relax your arm, Sir. This will be fast and will be over in no time." She smiled sweetly and I nodded. "Squeeze your hand in here, okay? It will release the pressure from your arm." She handed me a squeeze ball.

I couldn't hide my shock as I gasped when I saw how long the needle was. Mila chuckled a little and touched my arm softly. "This will be just like a bite of an ant." And she wiped an alcohol-soaked cotton on my arm. "Inhale deeply... and it's in." She smiled. "See? It wasn't so bad, wasn't it?" I just nodded.

"We will just wait until the bag is full, then we're all done." She tapped my palm then left the room.

I curiously looked at the machine beside my bed that was pumping blood from my body to the little plastic pouch at the bottom while I opened and closed my palm in the squeeze ball. I guess it doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would be.

Mila came back a few minutes after and carefully pulled the needle from my arm and placed a plaster on it. "We're done now, Sir." She smiled. "Just lie down straight on this bed and I will elevate your legs, okay? If you feel any dizziness, just press the button and let me know. But if you feel better, you can leave the room." I quickly nodded and she left the room with my blood and I stared at the ceiling.

I went back to the waiting room after a couple of minutes and saw Freddie sat there with his magazine and cup of tea. "How was it? Are you okay?" He looked at me and I just smiled at him. "I am. More than okay."

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