38 - The waiting seems eternity

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"I'll microwave more popcorn for us, okay? Just stay there." I told Roger and I stood up from the couch and popped in the packet of popcorn in the microwave.

We were currently watching a cheesy and cliche romantic movie and my fiance scoffed down a big bowl of popcorn not even halfway towards the film so here I am, standing in the kitchen, waiting for the popcorn to be finished.

As I walked back to the living room, Roger had his eyes closed and his hands were gripped to the armrest of the couch. His face looked like he was in pain and I froze in my tracks as I take in the scene in front of me. He then breathed deeply and opened his eyes, smiling as he reached out for the bowl in my hand as if nothing happened.

"What just happened, love?" I was still standing in front of him. I couldn't move. I was dumbfounded. "Oh, I think I just had a contraction, I'm not really sure." He shrugged and leaned back on the couch and my eyes widened as I immediately held on to his bump.

"What?" I gasped. "Wha... W-When did you start feeling it?" I asked and he smiled as he rubbed the bump that was already too big for his lap.

"This morning." He said. "This morning?!" I repeated. "It's six pm now, why didn't you say anything, love? And why are you so calm about this?"

"And why are you panicking about this?" He giggled then leaned over to kiss me on my lips. "Nothing's happening to me yet, babe. I promise I'll tell you when my water's broken." He turned his eyes back to the movie we were watching and I just kept on staring at him.

I hated myself for not noticing that he had been contracting all day, and I couldn't make myself relax knowing the fact that my baby, our baby will be coming anytime soon.

"Uh, babe?" I think Roger's calling me but I am still staring blankly at him until he slapped my arm continuously and I went back to reality and saw him panicking. "I think I'm ready to go to the hospital."

I abruptly stood up and ran to grab the baby bag that we had prepared for this day then I helped my fiance walk towards the car. I think I ran a few stop signs as I drove towards the hospital but I couldn't think straight. All I know is that I needed to bring them there.

"You're shit at emergencies, John." My fiance giggled as I cursed under my breath because I couldn't find a parking spot around the lot. I would find his comment funny too but I couldn't laugh because my heart is beating so fast. I'm excited and I'm nervous at the same time.

Finally, I found a spot near the entrance and waved at the security to bring us a wheelchair to wheel Roger down to the emergency room.

"Okay Mister Taylor, if you need anything just press this button and I'll be right back. We already called Doctor Martin and he'll be on his way once you're fully dilated." The nurse said after he asked Roger to change into a hospital gown that he said doesn't even cover anything at all.

"How do you feel, love?" I sat beside him and ran my hands through his hair. "I feel like shit. It hurts so much, babe."

"Do you want to walk around or do you want to stay here?" I asked and he shook his head. "I-I think I want to stay here, everything hurts John." He said and for the first time today, I saw him cry because of the pain.

"Shh. Everything's going to be okay, love. Our little princess is finally coming." I said and he held on to my arm as he felt another contraction. He muffled his screams and his face was red as he breathed through the pain before he pulled away from my hand and calmed down.

"How was that, love?" I asked and he shook his head. "Terrible. Really, really terrible."

"Do you want to take an epidural?" I asked. "No. I think I'll get it when I can no longer handle the pain."

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