1 - Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon

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The sun directly shining in my face woke my body up immediately. I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened it, curiously looking up at the unfamiliar surroundings in front of me. My body jolted when I realized I wasn't in my own room. "Where am I?" I sighed. I looked down at my blanket-covered body and saw that I was naked. Fuck.

I saw my clothes neatly folded at the bedside table so I immediately took them and wore them, not caring if the shirt that I had on has been crinkled due to the events that happened last night. I was almost stumbling around the room as I get ready to get the hell out of this place. All I wanted to do was be out of here as soon as possible without any trouble. Easy peasy, right?


Because she made me breakfast. And I said 'she' because I can't remember what her name was. "Roger, you're awake now, I see." She smiled as she carried a large ceramic plate with buttered up toast and sausages in one hand, and a glass of orange juice in the other. My mouth watered at the sight of the breakfast she was carrying but I don't want to stay any longer than I should have. I don't want her getting the wrong idea.

"I-I... um... I'm really sorry about this but I have to go." I scrambled. I saw her smile dropped as she looked at me and nodded slowly. "Oh... Oh okay. It's okay. Don't you want some breakfast first before you go?" Her face was hopeful which put me in a really awkward situation. I shook my head and looked directly at the door. "Sorry, I have work. But I'll call you, yeah?" Yeah. Way to go, Roger. You never even remember if you got her number.

"Yeah. Yeah. Sure." She smiled. "Be safe. I'll wait for your call." She waved at me then I turned my back to her then rushed out of the door and walked back to my flat.

Ugh. I need sleep.

I was pretty bored when I woke up from my sleep. I had nothing to do so I cleaned my flat, ordered a box of medium cheese pizza, and watched television. The Benny Hill Show was on so I watched it while I was waiting for my delivery.

Halfway through the show, there was a knock on the door. I assumed that it was the pizza so I took my wallet with me then headed to the front door.

But it wasn't. It was Brian and Freddie at the front door.

"Hey!" Brian said then walked in followed by Freddie and they sat on my living room sofa. I noticed that the guitarist has an ice cooler on his hand, which, I probably assume, has beer inside. "Did I ask you to come in?" I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face so they know I was joking.

He ignored me and Freddie put something on my hand. "Shut up and drink your beer, grandpa." He chuckled. I closed the front door and sat on the chair beside the sofa. "Did you just call me grandpa?"

"I did. A whiny grandpa, at that." Freddie smiled and Brian laughed while I laughed with them. Oh, my friends. They have no boundaries and would just barge in my house for no reason. But hey, I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my best friends.

We watched more television and joked with each other whenever we saw a cringe-worthy scene on screen, and the pizza guy finally came up at the door.

"How would we split a medium pizza to the three of us, smarty pants?" Freddie said and I slapped his arm playfully and rolled my eyes. "I didn't know you two were coming. A heads up would've been nice, was it?" I joked and he rolled his eyes back at me.

As we dived in the pizza, I realized that they haven't invited John to join us. "Is John busy today?" I asked as I put hot sauce on my slice and took a bite at it. "I'm not sure. Why?" Brian said.

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