14 - It's you I adore

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The rain was still pouring heavily when I woke up and I pulled my duvet over my shoulders because the room was too cold. I was devastated and I felt my heart drop when I rolled over and Roger wasn't by my side.

I sat up and hugged my legs and let out a small sob. I knew it. It was all too good to be true.

Just at that moment, the door opened. "Ugh. The rain is terrible and there was flooding and..." He was stopped on his tracks when I ran over to him and hugged him as tight as I could. "Oh, thank god you're here." My words were shaking but I'm so happy. Roger is here. That's all that matters.

"Why are you crying?" He cooed as he pulled away and wiped my cheeks with his thumb. "I'm sorry..." I chuckled a bit and continued. "I thought you left me." He smiled at me and sat me on the bed then he went to the dresser to get me a white housecoat to cover my naked body.

"I got us some snacks for the road from the convenience store downstairs, and I'm sure room service would be here any moment for the breakfast I ordered for us. Or do you want to join everyone else at the breakfast buffet?" He said and I shook my head. "I want to be here with you."

He smiled then climbed with me to the bed. I held out my arms around him and hugged him, feeling his warmth against my body. There was a knock on the door and he got up to answer it. "Must be room service." He mumbled.

It was Dave. "Oh. It's you." He greeted but he looked confused. "This is John's room, correct?" Roger chuckled and nodded. "Yeah it is. What's going on? Is it already time to go?" He asked.

"No. We won't be able to travel to Boston today. The roads are all flooded and the management thought that it would be best if we cancel the show for tonight." Roger hummed and nodded.

"But if the weather will be fine before tonight, we will be on the road late this evening or early morning tomorrow for Springfield." Dave said and he waved at us both before he left.

Roger was all giddy when he closed the door and he ran towards me and tackled me to the bed. "Aww. What was that for?" I asked while I rubbed the arm that he put all his weight on. "Nothing. Just excited to have another day off, that's all." He smiled and there was another knock on the door.

"Ugh. If that's still isn't room service, I'm lashing out." He groaned and got up to open the door. Thankfully, it was room service and they carried two trays full of breakfast for us.

"You ordered a lot for a meal." I chuckled and he just rolled his eyes playfully at me. "I'm hungry. I didn't eat dinner last night, you know." He said as he popped a grape on his mouth and sat on the other side of the bed.

It was truly a big breakfast. There are two pieces of sugared Belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, Hungarian sausages and bacon strips on the plate. There is also a bowl of mixed fruit and a mug of green tea, which I carefully placed on the bedside table so it wouldn't spill on the bed.

"What did you have for dinner last night?" He curiously asked as he sliced down his sausage. "Oh. I shared a sub with Freddie." I told him and he pouted his lips. "I want that sub. You owe me a sub now." He whined.

I giggled and pinched his nose. I know that he liked me doing that because he giggles everytime I do. "I guess were eating this here." He pointed at the paper bag on the floor and I nodded, remembering that he went to the store earlier.

"Wait, you went to the store in only your pajamas?" I gasped and he looked confused. "Yeah. What about? I do it all the time." He answered. "I don't know. Maybe its because I don't do that. I don't want people staring at me because I'm still in my pajamas." I said.

He looked up and smiled at me. "Why? You don't want people staring at your cute boyfriend?" And just like that, I suddenly dropped my fork and Roger panicked a bit.

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