4 - Is this just fantasy?

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I shot my eyes open and realized that I had fallen asleep on the couch. I tried moving around but my head is so heavy and I may have a stiff neck so I just laid there in silence, replaying the previous night in my mind. Tears started falling down my cheeks and I wiped them gently with my fingers as I got up and went to the loo. I saw my face in the mirror and I stopped myself to stare at my reflection.

God, I look awful.

My cheeks were red and my eyes were bloodshot and puffy. In short, I looked miserable. I tried washing my face with cold water to relieve it of its redness but it doesn't seem to work. My face was the clear evidence of the hurt that I was feeling last night. I sighed and brushed my teeth, wiped my face with a towel then went to my bedroom to prepare for work.

I, once again, just got something comfortable. Some gray cotton shorts and a tank top with printed black and white stripes on it was what I chose to wear then I got my green jacket to go with the outfit. My heart was heavy as I was wearing the clothes and my body just pulled itself back to bed so I just laid there, face down, and cried as my face landed on a pillow.

My sheets were wet with tears as I continued sobbing, realizing that I am no shape to come to work today, let alone see John there, so I took the phone from my bedside table and phoned Freddie up. It took a few rings before I heard his voice. "Hello. Who's this?"

"Um... Hey Fred, it's Rog." I was trying to control the shaking in my voice but I think he might have noticed.

"Are you alright there, Rog? What's going on?"

I tried quieting down my sobs as I answered. "N-Nothing Fred. Just have a little headache."

He hummed. "Oh okay. You can skip work today if that's what you're calling for."

"Thanks. Appreciate it."

"Sleep some more, okay? I'll drop by in the afternoon to check on you." I smiled. He was so sweet.

"Okay. You have my spare key." And he hummed again then the line went dead. I put my phone back in the receiver and made myself comfortable on my bed.

John. The brown-haired bassist that captured my heart. I smiled just at the thought of him and looked back at the last two weeks that we were hanging out. 

"Rog, are we going out tonight, or are you surgically stitched to your bed?" I was currently laying down on my bed, face down, as he slapped me playfully and turned my body to face him. I groaned at him with a small smile on my face. "Bed. I need bed." Then I covered my face with a pillow.

"Alright. If that's what you want." And he jumped on the other side of the bed and put his arms around me. I snuggled on to his warm body, making myself comfortable, and he removed the pillow from my face. I smiled upon seeing his face, observing every detail of it. His pointy nose, his long eyelashes, his eyes that always seem to sparkle when we're together, and his curvy lips that I wanted to kiss again so badly.

"You're looking at me." He whispered. "I like what I see." Then I winked at him which made him blush and he moved closer, putting his finger on my face. He traced my eyes, my nose, and my lips, letting his finger stay longer on it. My lips formed a smile and I acted like I was gonna bite his finger but he pulled it away on time and I got a knuckle on my head. "Aww. What was that for?" I whined.

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