36 - Sunshine from the rain

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Roger was sat on Felix's playmat on the floor, don't ask me how he did that, and he was helping my baby practice his balance. I was currently in the kitchen making us breakfast before we head on with our day. 

My fiance wanted to bring Felix to an indoor zoo so we're going to do that. They were both excited for today and they even woke up earlier than me and they were making a lot of random noises on the bed. Not that I hated hearing that but this morning, I just wanted to sleep off the slight hangover I had from drinking the night before. But it was okay, though. I already had my coffee and I'm ready for a day with my family.

I heard constant crying and giggling from the living room from Felix, along with Roger's "good job" every now and then. My lips formed a smile while I flipped the pancake in front of me. If that's the noise that I'll hear every morning, then I don't mind if this house will become a screaming epicenter when our little princess arrives.

I noticed that the giggling noise was coming closer and closer then I felt someone drooling over my shoulder. I immediately turned to my side and kissed my baby's forehead. "It's almost done, my big boy. Pancakes are here." I said giddily and he squealed excitedly.

"Someone's excited for breakfast." I giggled. "Now tell dada to let you sit in the big boy chair, okay?" He babbled to what I said and Roger nodded at him. "Okay, we'll go to the dining room now, little buddy." My fiance said and they exited the kitchen.

I started piling the pancakes on a plate and took a bottle of maple syrup on the way then followed them to the dining room. Felix was already seated in a high chair with his bib on and he was patting his mini table with his hands. "Alright baby, I'll just cut this out for you then you can eat. " I said as I spread out maple syrup in one pancake and cut it into little pieces.

After I did that, I passed the plate to Roger and he tried feeding Felix but I think he was more interested in feeding himself with his hands so my fiance sliced the pancake into much more smaller pieces so he can put it straight into his mouth without him choking on it.

Roger was sniffling as he brought a piece of pancake to his own plate and I looked at him. "Hey, love, why're you upset?" I said and he stood up and moved beside me, hugging me as he sat down. "He's growing up. He doesn't need me anymore." He cried softly and I hushed him and rubbed his arm.

"Don't say that. He still needs you, love. He's just learning to be independent, that's all." I said and he nodded, still wiping away the tears from his eyes. 

"But what if one day he just leaves me? I don't want my son to leave me, babe. I don't think I can handle that." He whimpered and I was about to answer when Felix squealed 'dada' and when we both looked at him, he was reaching his arms out to Roger.

When my fiance leaned over to him, Felix squeezed both of his cheeks with his sticky hands and bumped his head to his dada's lips. I cooed and Roger immediately wrapped his arms around the baby's small body and hugged him tightly. "See that, Rog? He won't leave you because he loves you." 

"And I think someone needs a bath after breakfast." I added as Roger struggled to remove the sticky syrup from his face and some of his hair. "Make that the two of us, babe. My whole face is sticky." He giggled.

After breakfast, Roger took Felix for a bath and I cleaned everything we used from breakfast before going up to take a shower in the guest room. I was already dressed and ready to go when I came back to our bedroom and the shower was still running so I decided to check on the two.

"Love? Are you okay in there?" I knocked and Roger's voice echoed from the inside. "Yeah, we are. And please come in, I think I need a little help." I  went inside and Felix was splashing soapy water all over his dada. I immediately carried my baby out of the water when I saw my fiance already soaking wet and looking exhausted.

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