30 - I'm happy at home

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"Please wake up for me, love." I heard a voice mumbling against my ear along with barely audible sobs. "Can you hear me? I'm here. Please wake up." The voice continued and my body jolted awake and my eyes fluttered open. "Oh, thank god!" the voice excitedly said.

My eyes adjusted to the light and I blinked several times before I looked around. The room was white, I can hear complete silence except mine and John's breathing, and I saw an IV line attached to the back of my palm. It dawned on me that I was in a hospital.

I looked to my left and I saw John's face. It was pale and his eyes were red, he was crying. He reached his hand over the top of my head and pushed a button, probably to call someone, then his hand went back to my hand, tightly squeezing it then he brought it to his lips and kissed my knuckles. "How are you feeling, love?"

"I...I-I don't know, actually." I sighed. I was confused. Why am I here? "Are you nauseous? Does your head hurt? Does anything else hurt in your body?" He continuously asked and I tightly shut my eyes then opened it back again, I was furtherly confused.

A nurse came in pushing a mini rolling cart and John immediately moved to the side, giving way to the nurse so she can be near me. "How are you feeling Mister...." she looked at the clipboard attached on the foot of my bed then looked back at me and smiled "...Taylor?" I looked at her then shook my head, I don't really know what I'm feeling.

She nodded in understanding then went ahead to move my fringe to the side and she pulled... a gauze? What the hell?

"I'll just clean this up for you, then I'll give you a new bandage, okay? It'll be quick and easy." She said as she gently rubbed the area with a cotton ball and my face winced a bit when I felt a sting on that area. "There we go. All done." She smiled then she looked up to check the dextrose that was hanging in the IV stand at the side of my bed. "It's almost finished. I'll be back with another bag, then we can process your release papers. Do you have anything else you want me to do for you?" I shook my head then she bid goodbye and left the room with her cart.

John sat back to where he was seating a while ago and held my hand. "Why am I here?" My voice was weak but I had to ask. He gave me a small sigh then he leaned over to me. "You passed out after the show, love." he started and I furrowed my eyebrows. I could not remember that happening. "And... And you hit your head in the steps of the drum riser, that's why you have a small cut at the side of your forehead."

My eyes widened and I breathed deeply. "Oh god..." I started and he kissed my cheek. "W-Why did I pass out?" I asked and he shrugged. "I'm not sure. They haven't told me anything yet." I nodded and turned my head so I would be looking at the ceiling.

"How do you feel?" I'm getting sick of the question but I still answered. "I think I'm okay, but I'm not so sure, to be honest." I said and I saw him nod from my peripheral vision.

There was a small knock at the door then it opened and the nurse from before entered along with a female doctor. "Hi. I'm Doctor Williams, I'm a resident doctor here." We both nodded and she smiled then continued. "So Mister Taylor, I see that you went unconscious that's why you're here?"

"From what I know, yeah." I nodded. She hummed and looked over to the clipboard then looked back at me. "I suggest that you have a complete bed rest for twenty-four hours when you get home, meaning no walking, no sitting at long intervals, and no strenuous activities, okay?" John and I looked at each other, puzzled as to why I would need to be on bed rest if I just passed out.

Doctor Williams must've sensed our confusion so she spoke again. "It'll be best for your baby, Mister Taylor." She smiled and I heard John's gasp. "What?" I was obviously surprised and the doctor shuffled uncomfortably and cleared her throat. "You're two weeks pregnant, I thought you two knew." She said.

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