37 - Just like the first time

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"Where are we going again later, babe?" Roger asked for the nth time today as I rummaged through the closet looking for my favorite suit that I have worn years ago.

"I told you, I'm not telling. It's a secret." I said and I heard him groan then he sat up.

"The baby wants to know." He whined and I just giggled at him as I walked back to bed and wrapped my arms around his bump. "Well, I think the baby could wait for a few more hours and not pester me about it, don't you think?" He groaned louder and I kissed his lips.

"I wanna know." He frowned and looked at me with grimace before he buried his face in a pillow.

"Hey. Don't be mad at me, Rog. You'll love it there, I promise." I said and pulled the pillow away from his face and gave him little kisses on his lips to comfort him.

"How would I know if I'll love it there if I don't even know where we're going?" He continued to whine and I just laughed at how annoying he was being. I wasn't irritated or anything. In fact, his constant whining was cute. It reminded me of a child not getting his favorite candy from the store.

"Don't laugh. Nothing's funny." He mumbled and furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"Sorry, love, couldn't help it. You're being cute, you know?" I said. "Come here, I'll give you a hug." I pulled him closer to me and snuggled in his chest, my fingers up in his hair as I twirled the ones that are falling in the back.

"You're soft. And you smell good. And you're a very pretty man. How come you're so pretty, love? Can you be any more perfect?" I whispered quite loudly against his chest and he made a small noise and pulled me up near his neck so I kissed it and it tickled him so he pushed me away.

"Thank you, babe. But don't change the topic. Where are we going?" He dragged his words out of his mouth but I didn't budge. I won't spoil my surprise just because he couldn't wait until later.

He groaned frustratingly when he realized that I ignored his question. "You're annoying me, babe." He rolled his eyes at me and I just shrugged.

"Guess you'll have to wait then."  

I was planning to take Roger out for a date tonight at this restaurant that Brian had suggested. He said they specialize in Asian-American cuisine and that alone intrigued me so that's where we're going later.

But aside from that, the reason why I wanted to take him out was that we haven't celebrated our engagement properly. Yes, we had a mini celebration with Brian and Freddie last time, but it was my birthday and I wanted a day when nothing else is being celebrated. Just the engagement, nothing else.

I knew that when Roger finds out about this, he will be anxious because his bump is getting bigger. He was at twenty-eight weeks now and the only clothes that fit him were the ones that I bought for him during the early weeks of his pregnancy.

It was a good thing that I've thought of this ahead because I bought him a suit with a vest that is made out of stretchable material so that even though he buttoned it up, it won't hurt his bump.

"Babe, she's moving!" Roger slapped my arm excitedly and I immediately sat up and rested my palms over his bump. He held my hand and guided it over to the part where he felt our baby.

"Oh my... She is! How are you doing there, my little princess?" I kissed his tummy and the movements became bigger.

Roger was smiling but his face was wincing a bit. "Does it hurt?" I asked and he shook his head. "Not much, just a tad bit uncomfortable but it's okay. It's tolerable." He smiled and reached his arms towards me. "Now help me up, I need to pee." I giggled and pulled his body up then he waddled towards the loo.

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