35 - An amazing feeling

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"Oh my darlings, I'm so happy for the both of you." Freddie squealed and wrapped his arms around our necks. Roger and I were both emotional and we were still bawling our eyes out but we were happy. I am happy.

"Congratulations, you guys!" Brian spoke up and gave both of us a hug. "Now stop crying, you two. It's time to celebrate!" He added and all of us laughed and cheered.

"Where's that dessert that you promised us, Rog?" Fred joked and my fiance rolled his eyes at him. I am feeling a tiny tickle in my heart now that I'm calling him my 'fiance'. I still couldn't believe it! The love of my life has asked me to marry him. How lucky am I?

"I'll get it, your majesty." I scoffed and Fred waved his hands as if he was giving me his blessing. "Go on then, you peasant." He said and I groaned playfully which made all of them laugh. God, I forgot how fun it is to hang out with them outside the studio.

I made my way to the kitchen and took as much dessert as my hands could carry, then I walked back to the living room and placed it on the coffee table in the middle. Roger wasn't in his seat and I was about to look for him when I heard giggling and footsteps going down the stairs.

"Look who's here to finally greet you a 'happy birthday'!" Roger said with Felix in his arms and when the baby saw me, he stretched out his arms to me and started squealing. "Dada!" He said and the room was filled with cooes. I took him from my fiance and bounced him. He was giggling so much that Freddie couldn't help but pinch his cheek.

"He's so cute, isn't he?" He said and Felix must've realized that Freddie was practically hogging him so he stretched his tiny arms and squeezed the singer's face. "Aww. Stop being cute, Felix. Why is he this cute? Are you sure that he came from you, Rog?" He joked and, as expected, he was slapped by the blonde.

"I was kidding! Don't be violent in front of your child." He chuckled and took Felix from me. I guess they'll be having their own bonding moment, then.

Brian cleared his throat and turned to face us. "Wow, you two are getting married. That's huge! When are you planning on tying the knot?" He asked and I looked at Roger. He was the one who proposed so he must've had a date in mind. "I know it's too far away but I wanted it to be when our little princess is already walking. Maybe when she's a year old."

"That's a long time. Are you sure you two can wait that long?" He said and I felt Roger's gaze on my peripheral vision as if he's silently asking me if I was okay with what he wanted. "Of course. I'm okay with whatever he wants. I don't mind as long as he's happy." I kissed his cheek and he blushed.

"Oh stop being too sweet. I think I'm going to puke anytime soon." Freddie commented as he made a noise that sounded like gags which made Felix laugh at him. "See? Even your son agrees with me. They're too cheesy, aren't they?" He cooed at my baby and he continued laughing at him.

Yes, Felix is my baby. I don't care if he didn't come from me. He's my baby, he's my son, I love him, and no one will have a say in it.

Roger grabbed Felix from Freddie then we started clanking our bottles of beers. "Cheers to the soon-to-be Mister and Mister Taylor-Deacon!" Brian announced and we laughed as we all took a sip of our beers. All of us except Roger, of course.

We continued hanging out until the cooler is empty and the food has all been eaten so Brian and Freddie said their goodbyes and left. Roger took Felix up to the bed and I cleaned up the mess we made in the living room.

Once I was finished, I also made my way up and I saw Roger laid back on the bed and my baby was cuddling with his bump. He was running his little palms around it as if he was playing with his sister and my heart warmed at the sight of them.

"He already loves his baby sister, doesn't he?" I said as I settled down on the bed and laid on my side so I was face to face with my fiance. "He does. It's cute." He smiled sweetly and I couldn't help but kiss his soft lips.

"I love you, my fiance." I whispered and I saw him blush so he turned his head to the other side. "You're blushing, my love." I teased and placed a finger on his chin to pull his face to my side again. "I am not."

"You so are." I giggled and he blushed some more. I decided to stop embarrassing him so I gave him little kisses on his lips which he seemed to enjoy. "I love you too, Mister John Richard Deacon." He whispered as he pulled away.

"Dada! Be?" Felix squeaked and I rubbed his back as I nodded. "Yes, there she is. There's your baby sister." I cooed and he bounced excitedly then placed his ear on the bump. "What's the baby saying, buddy?" I tapped his arm and he giggled.

"Dada!" He squealed and clapped his hands. "Wow. She said dada?" I asked and he started babbling eagerly. "That's amazing, my boy. You sure had a great conversation with your baby, haven't you?" I said and we lost his attention as he started playing with his foot which made Roger and I chuckle.

"We really should be training Felix on what to call us. I think we'll be confused when he grows up a little more because he calls us both 'dada'." I told my fiance in which he nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I noticed that too. But let's just let him enjoy whatever he wants to call us."

I hummed and planted a kiss on his forehead which caught the attention of Felix and he crawled towards us and laid down in between where our faces meet. "Do you want a kiss too, my baby?" I asked and kissed him on his chubby cheek and he giggled.

"You like that? How about if I kiss your dada, do you still like that?" I said and leaned over to Roger and kissed him on the lips. Felix stared at me like I had just betrayed him and he got up and bumped his head against my fiance's lips.

"Aww. I'm sorry. Are you jealous that I kissed your dada?" I giggled and rubbed my baby's back. He was currently trying to wrap his arms around Roger's neck, probably trying to hug him but it just looked like he was choking him.

My fiance started getting emotional so I kissed the top of his head. "He's clingy, love. Just like you." I smiled and he nodded.

"Like father, like son."

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