32 - The words of love

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I breathed slowly as I felt a sharp pain at the bottom of my stomach. My hand rubbed over it to somehow relieve the pain but it got stronger which made me panic so I shouted for John and his heavy footsteps echoed through the house.

"What? What is it?" He panted as he walked briskly towards the bed where I was currently sitting with my legs spread out and my back resting on the headboard of the bed. I breathed deeply one more time, closing my eyes, then opened it back and looked at John, his eyes wide in shock and he was waiting for me to speak.

"I'm okay now, babe. I just felt something and it hurts so much so I called you. I'm sorry I made you run up here." I apologized and he sighed in relief then gave me a side hug, kissing my cheek on the way. "That's fine, love. As long as you're feeling okay."

I nodded and he placed his hand over the top of my bump. "We were terrified for a moment there, princess. Don't scare your papa like that again, okay?" He went and placed little kisses on my tummy as I ran my fingers through his short hair, it was too short for my own liking and the boys had started teasing him, calling him "birdman" every now and then.

Oh yes, he calls our baby "princess" after we went for my sixteenth-week scan last week. He was practically beaming at every person that walks towards us after he found out, they gave him baffled looks of course, and then he took me out to shop for baby clothes. I had to stop him and force him to go home after he managed to rummage and buy almost everything that the store sells.

I don't know why he was apologizing after that but he promised he'll take over the painting of the nursery so I didn't say much. I was far too heavy to do anything anyway. I gained an awful lot, twelve pounds to be exact. And that was on top of the seven pounds I gained during my first scan!

Doctor Martin asked me to cut back on food that has a lot of starch and sugar on it and focus on eating fruits and vegetables instead. He also told John to help me do physical exercises like stretching and light walks to help with the weight and I groaned as he said that, making them both laugh. I reasoned that I get enough cardio on playing the drums but the doctor said it isn't enough and I need to get on my feet and move my body.

"Do you want me to help you in the shower or can you do it on your own?" John asked and I shook my head and stretched out my arms at him. "Just help me up please." I said and he pulled me up and I waddled towards the loo. We have studio work today for the Jazz album and we needed to polish some songs before we release it in November.

I saw my body in the full-sized mirror as I was undressing. My bump was so big that it looked like a twenty-four-week bump rather than seventeen weeks. I was getting so big and heavy and it made me worry. I called for John again and he knocked then opened the door. "Something wrong, love?"

"Yes. I'm fat." I pouted and he tried to wrap his arms around my waist but he failed as both of his hands never reached each other so he opted to just kiss my shoulders. "You're not fat, my love, that's just our little princess growing inside of you." He gave me a little chuckle and I pouted even more.

"No. I'm fat, babe, can't you see?" I was getting frustrated and he pulled himself away from me and looked at my body. "I don't see it. You're still as sexy and as beautiful as the day I met you." I rolled my eyes hard at him. "Stop lying to my face."

"I'm telling the truth, love. And why're you so worried about being fat, anyways?" He pulled me closer to him and I rested the side of my head on his chest. "Because I don't fit in my nice clothes anymore." I whined and he laughed while he rubbed my arms.

"Is that it? You're worried that your clothes don't fit?" I nodded and I was close to crying so he held me tighter. "Yes. That and I think I'm too big to fit in my drum kit." He hummed and kissed the top of my head.

"Let's have a deal. I promise I'll take you shopping tomorrow so you can get nicer clothes, much more nicer than the ones that you have right now. But you have to work with me, okay? We'll do the exercises that Doctor Martin suggested." I sighed and I nodded. I have been resisting when John wakes me up in the morning to do those exercises but I guess it's about time I finally do it.

"As for your drum kit, I don't think you're not gonna fit. You're just overthinking it, my love." He chuckled and shuffled my hair a bit then pulled my face and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Now, go on. Take that shower and I'll just get a cup of coffee in the kitchen." He kissed me one more time then left.

He was already dressed and laid down on our bed when I finished my shower. I picked out the only thing that fit me as of the moment: a pair of cotton tracksuit bottoms and a thin jumper so I won't overheat. John took one look at me and held out his hand towards me. "Come here, love." I walked towards him and he scooted a bit so I'll have space to sit and he laid me down and started snuggling against me, rubbing his palms around my bump comfortably.

"You look so beautiful today. I am so much in love with you." He whispered in my ear and I shuddered a bit with the sensation of his breath on my shoulders. "You're clingy today, babe. What are you up to?" I asked then giggled when he placed little kisses on my neck.

"Nothing much. I just love you so much, you know? And I needed to kiss you immediately after my heart jumped when I saw you walk out of the loo." He went back to kissing my neck then went back up to look at my eyes again. "You still have that effect on me, just so you know." He winked then I felt his soft lips on mine, kissing and sucking on it like there's no tomorrow.

I pushed him away gently when I ran out of breath and I panted a bit so he kissed me on the forehead. "You don't need to flatter me so much, babe. I'm already knocked up, I can't leave you anymore." I meant that as a joke but he made a little noise and buried his head on the crook of my neck. "Don't leave me, please." He mumbled and I kissed the top of his head a few times.

"I won't. You know that." He looked up and gave me a small smile. "Please don't, okay? I'll do anything you want me to. Just... Just please don't leave." I nodded then he just held my body tightly in silence.

I felt a small pang of guilt when he said that. He doesn't need to beg me to be with him because I'm happy with him and I love him. I felt a small tear building up and I breathed heavily to try and make it go away. I must've really messed him up when we broke up during the holidays and I need to make it up to him. I can't live with the fact that he wakes up everyday feeling afraid that I will leave him soon. I need to make him feel secure.

"That was heavy, love. Are you still feeling out of breath?" He must've felt my breathing and I shook my head. "No. I'm okay now. Come here." I pulled his face near mine and I gave him a soft kiss. "I love you so much, babe. I'll never stop loving you. Don't forget that."

"I love you too." He giggled then moved towards the end of the bed and stood up. "Now let's go before the boys slash our necks for being late." I giggled then he pulled me up and we walked towards the car and drove to the studio.

I relaxed on the car seat on the way and I sighed a little. It's going to be a long day for me and my princess.

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