43 - I guess we're meant to be

251 21 40

I was over the moon. I was finally married to the love of my life and I couldn't be any more happier.

We told our friends that they didn't need to bring us gifts or anything but Freddie, being Freddie, said that he have arranged a small dinner for us at his mansion. It was a small gesture, but we appreciated it a lot.

I picked Juliet up as we walked towards the car and she looked at me curiously. "Dada, sad?" She said as she ran her tiny hands on my tear-streaked cheek and gave it a little squeeze.

"No, baby. I'm happy. I'm very, very happy." I smiled at her but she pouted and asked me that question again. "No, I'm not sad. I'm happy. These are tears of joy. See?" I gave her a big, big smile and she giggled.

"Dada, 'pee?" She squealed and I nodded. "Yes, princess, I'm very happy." I kissed her cheek and she wrapped her arm around my neck when I bowed a bit to place her in her car seat.

Roger was already in the passenger seat when I went inside the car and he was looking at me lovingly, the same way he looked at me after our first date. I smiled to myself and looked down. "Stop it, love. You're making me blush." I said and he giggled.

He leaned over me and pulled my head up so I was looking at him and planted the sweetest kiss that I have ever got from him on my lips. "I love you." He said as he pulled away.

"AV YU!" Juliet screamed from the back and we both looked at her and my princess was clapping her hands and Felix was laughing at her, or at us. Probably at us because of how cheesy we are.

Freddie said that it was a small dinner, but it turns out that his version of a small dinner is a long buffet table and three layers of white, chiffon cake with two men in a tuxedo on top. Everything was extravagant. And to top it all off, he had set up an inflatable castle bounce house right in the middle of his garden.

It was weird that there was a bounce house at a wedding reception but Roger and the kids seemed to appreciate it because my husband scooped up a kid with both of his arms and ran towards the house and jumped. "Roger, your suit will rip!" I shouted and he stopped jumping for a moment and removed his suit, then threw it towards the ground and jumped again.

I could hear my children's squealing from where I was standing and I couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

My perfect family.

I walked towards Freddie who was currently sipping a glass of wine and attacked him with a hug. "Thank you so much for this, Fred." I said and he cooed and hugged me back tightly. "Anything for the two of you, dear."

"How did you do it? I mean, how did you pull this off so quickly?" I asked and he gave me the biggest grin I have ever seen from him. "I'm Freddie Mercury, darling. I have connections." I giggled at what he said and hugged him again.

"Don't I get a hug from my favorite bassist, too?" I heard Brian's voice from behind and I smiled at him and hugged him too. "Thank you for being here too, Bri. You've all made us happy." I said as he rubbed my back.

"It'll always be my pleasure."

After dinner, I drove my little family home, and Roger and I have to carry a kid each as both were already half asleep on the way home. They probably tired themselves out from playing all afternoon.

After I gave both my kids a kiss good night and made sure that they're both asleep, I went back to our room, which was now dark, with only the light from the lampshade open.

On the bed was my husband, laying on his side with scruffy hair wearing nothing but his wedding ring on. His lips had a smirk on them and his eyes looked at me seductively.

I immediately jumped on the bed and attacked him with kisses, making sure to suck a mark on his soft skin. He was giggling as I ran my palms over his naked body and soon enough, his giggles turned into loud moans which could've had vibrated the whole house.

He pushed me off the bed and I frantically removed all articles of clothing that I had on, everything but my wedding ring too. He pulled me back by the hand and kissed my fingers, then he pulled me closer and rolled us over, allowing him to dominate my body.

He nipped and licked my jawline as he grinded on top of me then he nibbled on my ear and I got ticklish when I felt his warm breath on it.

"Take me, babe. Take me hard. Let me know what it feels like to be your husband." His bedroom voice almost sent me on edge so I pulled him closer to me and attacked his lips with a kiss.


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