33 - I really love you

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"Good morning, love." John whispered then he gently blew in my ear  which made me ticklish so I slapped his arm to move him away. "Ouch. Don't hit me, love." He whined and I rolled over and groaned. "Then don't wake me up. I'm sleepy." I immediately went back to laying on my back because it was uncomfortable to lay on my side.

"Come on, get up. I got some desserts from the coffee shop down the road." And with that, I abruptly sat up which made me almost hit John's head with mine. He giggled and helped me to the dining room slowly. Yes, slowly. Because I was getting too heavy at twenty-three weeks and it's not fun at all.

I got all giddy when I saw a dozen of chocolate chip muffins on the table, along with some macadamia and oatmeal cookies, and one whole chocolate lava cake. "Eeeeeeeeee." I couldn't contain my screams of excitement and immediately attacked my boyfriend with a hug. Well, I tried but my bump got in the way and I only reached his neck. 

He giggled and went to my side and kissed my lips from there. "You like?" He asked and I muffled a quick scream as I nodded. "Of course! Thank you. I missed this." I smiled giddily. He placed me on a dessert restriction after I gained those unnecessary weight so I've been craving them so much but it's okay because it helped me a lot. I still feel heavy because of the pregnancy, but I feel a lot more better.

"You're welcome, my love." He leaned towards me and brushed away the stray hair on the side of my head then gave me a full-on kiss. I closed my eyes and I felt him lick my lower lip with his tongue, eventually making its entrance inside my mouth.

I loved the way he kisses me. It was in the middle of rough and sensual. You can feel his hunger because of how deep his mouth is to mine, but it never got to the point that it was aggressive. It was always soft and delicate like he's afraid to rip my lips off, but not too gentle that we'll get bored of it. It was always in the middle and I like it.

His hands roamed around my chest as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He caressed my bump, circling his palms over, then his hand went down to my thigh, stroking it up and down which made me moan quietly in his mouth. I pushed his head closer to mine and the kiss went deeper as his hand finally landed on my tightening pants. 

I pulled away a bit to catch my breath then went back on his waiting lips while he palmed my bulge against my pajamas. He sucked my lower lip one more time then he placed little kisses on my cheeks down to my jawline, eventually reaching my ear. I can feel his breathing as he spoke. "Bedroom?" 

He helped me up when I nodded and we slowly went back up to the bedroom. It wasn't the sexiest part and John just giggled when I struggled through the steps of the stairs and I rolled my eyes at him. "I hate you." I groaned and he just pinched my nose. "And I love you so we're even."

I immediately settled on the bed as he undressed me then he went to my side and started sucking little marks on my neck. I looked up to give him more access and I arched my back when he sucked on the spot that gives me the most pleasure. His lips started going down, trailing little kisses along the way until he reached my bump. 

He gave it a gentle rub and kissed all around it. I was enjoying the sensation that I was feeling when suddenly, he went down and sucked my cock all the way, making me moan like crazy as I crumpled the bedsheet with my hands. My hormones are at an all-time high so just a few sucks and strokes and I'm already on edge. "J-John. I'm... I'm close." I panted and he licked the tip roughly before he released my thing from his mouth. 

"Can you ride me, or are you uncomfortable?" He asked and I nodded as he undressed himself. "I can. Just... Just give me time to adjust." I said and we changed our positions. He was now  laying on his back and I straddled him, resting my arms on his chest as I rubbed my hole on his throbbing cock. "Uh... Don't tease me like that, love." He said as he reached out for the bottle of lube in the bedside drawer.

He passed the bottle to me and I spread the gel on my hole and his cock, stroking it and making my fingers go over his tip and he held my waist tightly as he stifled a moan. I threw the bottle on the floor and started positioning myself as I immediately sank down on him, both of us screaming in pleasure as I went up and down slowly.

His hands were supporting my waist as he controlled the speed of his thrusts and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. I was close, I was so so close. "Don't stop. Don't stop." I whimpered as he deepened his thrust, then I felt his hot cum inside me which sent me too close to my own orgasm, and squirted on his chest. 

I dropped my body down to his as we caught our breaths and he gently rolled us over, making sure that my bump is safe, then he stood up and got us a towel to clean up our mess. 

"That was great, babe." I smiled as he returned to his side of the bed and he looked at me and kissed me on the lips. "I love you." He said and my heart fluttered as I kissed his nose. "I love you too. Now go and get my dessert because I am not going back down there after you made fun of me while going up the stairs."

He faked his gasp and held his hand over his chest. "I did nothing of whatever you are accusing of, Mister Taylor." He laughed at his own act and I rolled my eyes hard that my eyeballs could've remove themselves from the socket. "You're such an idiot, John." He smiled and gave me a peck on the lips before he stood up. "An idiot who loves you, how's that?" He ran out of the room before I could throw my pillow at him and his laughs echoed in the hallway. 

I scooted a bit then I sat up and went to my drawer. My hands roamed around inside until I felt a velvet box on my palms and I smiled a bit as I pulled it out. My heart was beating so fast as I opened the box nervously, revealing the shiny silver band that I got for John. I ran my thumb over the ring and I immediately placed it back on the drawer when I heard his footsteps in the hallway.

"Hey. Don't expose my baby like that. Wear a housecoat or something." He giggled and I scrunched up my nose at him as I went back to lie on the bed. "It's too hot. I'm sweating profusely so I need to air out my body." I reasoned out and he scoffed as he placed a tray on the bed. It had desserts and two mugs of tea for both of us. 

"You're just finding an excuse to parade your naked body around me." He said and I just slapped his arm playfully and ignored his comment. I was back to my giddy self and I immediately took a cookie and nibbled on it. "Don't eat too much, okay? Just a few so that our hard work won't go to waste." I nodded and continued to devour my cookie. God, I missed this!

"What are you planning today, babe? It's your birthday. I don't expect you to just lie down with me here all day. You can go out if you want." I said as I reached for my second cookie. "That's exactly what I'm planning to do today." He giggled.

"Are you sure? I'm boring now that I'm pregnant, you know? I won't be the same party animal that I was before until after this pregnancy is over." I was glad that he wanted to spend time with me rather than leave me alone in here but I don't want him to give up his social life just because he got me pregnant. 

"Nah. I think I'll pass. Being with you is better." He snuggled against me, wrapping his arms around my bump. "But Freddie and Brian called and said that they'll be dropping by later so I guess that'll be my party." He continued and I hummed. I already knew that because I was the one who called them.

I smiled because my plan is falling in place and it made my heart happy. I knew he won't be too keen on the idea of leaving me alone to party and him staying here is exactly what I wanted him to do.

I've decided that I wanted him to be in my life forever and I want him to know that I won't leave him. I love him and I'll always love him, no matter what happens. And if all things go according to plan, then I'll be the happiest man on earth. 

If only he'll say yes. 

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