Game 🔞

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A screaming and moaning of a girl echoed in the long luxury room at the middile of the night...Dresses and slippers scatters on the floor..Vessels and unfinished pizza liying on the table with two glass of cola....Panting of the guy who make her scream echoed in her ears and it made her scream even more by the undescribed pleasure..

Ahhhhhhhh...Awww....hurt me.... hurt are so cruel....
Yeah....there baby..There....
Ahhh..Ahhhh....kill me baby ..kill me....Aahhhhh...Ahhhhh...Ahhh..Ahhhh...MAN......Not faster...
Not faster....pleaese....Not fas.... make this night end..

Baby you are so good.....

yeah..Im longing for this..
you know what was my feelings when i saw everytime here...You are making me mad until this night wi....

Aaahh.....You are so evil.. cruel...Ahhh...SHIT....WIN!!!!!!!!!!

Both are fell on the bed strongly with a thunder sound and panting like a hell....

Girl : Are you okay win???

Win:( chukles) me?? im the one should ask you the question ..are you okay??

Girl: dead...I dont want to live nothing killed me already..!!!

Win :( chukles)

Girl: How you got this all stamina?? even though My husband is a boxer but you are more stronger than Him...
Are you practicing something??

Win: ( smiles) kungfu...

Girl: oh my god...Thats why you are this much stronger..Thanks to god that you didn't break my bed yet...

Win smiles and get top of her again then pecked on his lips ...

Win: am i stronger than your boyfriend??

Girl: Ofcourse....And, i dont mind to break my bed with you if you are willing to do it again with me..

win: ( smiles) Im always ready with you ......

The girl smiles and pulled him closer to a rough kiss and they starting to screaming loudly Don't even care about the housekeeper And the girls Dog...

Nextday morning...

Win opened his door and walks to his room then jumped on his bed with extreme tired body....He thinks about lastday events then chukles..

Win: why every girls being like this?? so Lusty and needy?? im so dead...

Win smiles and turn around to the bed and liyed down with his front on the bed...Suddenly Someone jumped on his back....

Win: tired!!!

Win pulled the person's hand to down as to fell down on the bed in beside him..

Win pulled the person's hand to down as to fell down on the bed in beside him

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