The Solution

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After Two Days, An Evening, Team driving his car and Mia sitting on the passenger seat.. Suddenly Mia looked at Team then waved her hand at him.. So Team looked at her face with a slight smile then asked " what " with shaking his head in a question way...

Mia : (( S.L )) Where we going Now?

Team : (( S. L)) To see someone..

Mia : (( S. L)) Okay...

Team : (( S. L)) You should stay inside this car when papa talking with that person.. Okay? Never come out till papa come back here...

Mia innocently nod her head as yes at him.. so Team smiled and slowly ruffled her hair softly then looked at the road with a serious face... After sometimes, He stopped his car infront a Sea side resturent,then slowly unlocked his seat belt then looked at Mia again with a smile..

Team : (( S. L)) Remember what Papa said right!?

Mia smiled and quickly nod her head as Yes again... So Team smiled and quickly get down then closed the door and slowly started to walking through the Sea bridge and reached the end of the side... Then he saw the person who he wanted to see , waiting for him there with a smirk..

Team saw Dane looking at him and Eventhough he knew Dane won't do anything now, his heart beat started to beating fastly

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Team saw Dane looking at him and Eventhough he knew Dane won't do anything now, his heart beat started to beating fastly.. whenever he saw that Man staying infront of him , His strength and courage what he holding will gone.. but he acted as Normal then started to thinking about the words what he going to say.. Dane Smirked and looked at his face when Team stood 5 steps away from him...

Dane : How are you My lovely Wifey!?

Team didn't said anything and slowly looked down without saying Dane sighed with annoyed face then slowly looked at the sea..

Dane : I thought you changed your mind when you called me...Now I think it was a temporary relief...

Team : (( Sighs)) I'm not yet changed and I'm not gonna change...

Dane : Then why you wanna meet me here?

Team : I wanna say something...

Dane : What?

Team : (( Sighs)) It's...If i give you half of My asset, will you leave Me and my daughter Alone?

Dane quickly looked at him with a Smirk when he heard that and saw Team looking at him with a serious face...

Dane : Are you kidding me?

Team : I'm serious! Is that what do you wanted from me all the time!? now I'll give you or I'll give whatever you are asking.. But you should leave us alone after that...Don't hurt us or anyone else for this after that.. Agreed?

Dane Smirked and chuckled softly then looked at him again..

Dane : What if i say I don't need only that?

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now