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{ Still Flashback With Author' s POV.. And Have some  Refference from the chapters "PAST 3 and 4"..So you should read those chapters before reading this one (⁠╭⁠☞⁠•́⁠⍛⁠•̀⁠)⁠╭⁠☞)

After Two days An Evening.,Eby parked his car Infront of Team's Apartment then walked to upstairs then stood infront of their door.. Then he looked at the apartment and slowly walked to Next door where the teenager boy living in..Then he slowly rang the calling bell and  after Two or three  ring, The Boy opened the door and looked at Eby with a shocked face ... So Eby smiled and quickly Pointed his bare wrist at him...So the Boy smiled and sighed with a relieved Mind..

Boy : (( smiles)) Come in Phi...

Eby smiled and walked to inside... So The Boy smiled and locked the door then looked at his face...

Boy : You Know, The Wrist tattoo is the only differentiation between you and Your Brother...

Eby : Atleast I have that thing to prove Myself  to who really I Am..That's enough..!!

The Boy slightly smiled at him when he heard that and felt some sadness over him..

Eby : Any New updates??

Boy : Yes.. Lastday, I heard some regular sounds... But almost an hour ago,  I saw Your brother in law going out with his baby... And I think His hand injured...

Eby : Injured?? Injured Means?

Boy : I didn't saw anything but he was  like , he is hiding his left palm completely with a cloth...And His face and body is very weak too.. So Your brother again hurt him I think...

Eby : God! You--You know where he was gone?

Boy : I don't know... Probably He went to any hospital..

Eby sighed with extreme sad face then looked at the boy again then slightly smiled...

Eby : Okay Thanks Kid..

Boy : What are you going to do?

Eby : I'm going to end this acting Drama... This is enough...

Eby looked at his face then slowly tried to walk...But,

Boy : Phi!

Eby : Ugh?

Boy : You will really going to save Your brother in law or..., um....You will support your brother?

Eby looked at his face then slightly smiled when he saw  that boy's concern sound and face...

Eby : Why you asking that?

Boy : Because I can understand that You are Not a person like your Brother.. You're different! You I'm really worried about that,  You will  forgive your brother and hiden these all truth from everyone...
But If you're  going to do that, Don't let that boy live with him again... I'm sure that, Your Brother will kill him or that boy will commit suicide for sure..

Eby : (( sad smile)) You
I  Hidden a truth from you.. and I think i should clarity that to you Now...

Boy : What is it Phi?

Eby : That Boy who living with My brother is ,Not my Brother In law..

Boy : Huh?

Eby : I mean, He was My Lover once...We both were lovers and ready to getting married.....

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now