Night talk

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Mia walks to Team' s bedroom then looked around and walks to the bathroom side and knocked on the door two times... Suddenly Win Opened the door with covering his wet body only with a waist towel then smiled..Mia looked at him confusingly and actioned
"where is Papa"?? So win smiled and turn around to the side and saw Team sitting in the bathtub with his looking at his phone ..So win looked back to Mia then actioned " still working"..So Mia smiled and walks to outside...Win closed the door and walks to Team...

Win : put down your phone atleast when you are in your Bathtub...

Team : It's waterproof...

Win : Using your phone in the bath or shower can electrocute you, which can be deadly...

Team : Ohh...But it's an important mail...

Win looked at Team who still typing Something he rushly walks to him and take the phone from him...

Team : Heyy.. what the hell!!??
Give me that back..

Win put down the phone on the bathroom table and looked at his face...

Win : The electric shock sends high voltage or amps through your body..That can go directly to the heart and central nervous system, where it can be sufficient to cause of your Death...

Team blinked twise and looked at the phone then looked back to win... suddenly win get inside and sat behind him and pulled his body on to him...

Win : So please listen to your wise employee saying....okay??

Team Slowly nodded as yes with an innocent win smiled and slowly kissed on his shoulder and nape..

Team : Tomarrow I have conference in Belgium....So i have to go tonight...

Win : it's Okay... I'll take care of your daughter...Don't worry...

Team : But how can you understand her language??

Win : I can manage...

Team : sure??

Win : Yes baby sir....

Team lightly smiles when he heard the word but he didn't show his face at him...

Win : You smiled...

Team : ( smiles) No...

Win : Yes...and you are smiling now...

Team : Nope!!

Win Immediatley hugged him more from behind...Team smiles and leaned his head on his chest....

Win : Sometimes I'm forgetting you are only just my Boss and I'm just your employee....You giving me some kinda of feelings..

Team : What feelings??

Win : Feelings of a real husband..

Immediatley Team smiled widely without turning at him...because sometimes he felt the same feelings too when win care him like a baby...But he didn't said anything and played with the bubbles as to avoid his face....

Win : Isn't it??

Team : Don't being riddiculos....Time is running...I have to go....

Win smiles and pulled up his body a little then help him to sat on his cock...Team leave a small moan when he completely sat on his cock....

Team : Hmm.....

Win : Don't move too fast...

Team :

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