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(( Guys...This is not Just a chapter...There will be some good advices for girls...The rape and abuse are  become the most common criminal activity nowadays...So Take some precautions and I'm giving some good advises too..Read it well..Hope it will helpful..))))


After Two Days....

Team sitting on the bedroom bed with talking on the phone...

Team : Ohh..okay...But is it compulsory ??
Oh...No it's okay..its fine Yeah..I will be there...NO no I will come there Myself...Okay...Have a Good day to you too....

Team cut the call and leaned on the wall with thinking deeply... Suddenly Win walks to inside with eating an apple then looked at Team who went to his own Dreamland....So Win smiled and walks to him then rushly lyed on the bed with resting his head on Team's lap...

Team : uh ?? You Scared me!!

Win : What are you thinking my Boss??

Team :  Anne called me Just Now...

Win : Oh..What she Said??

Team : She want to f*** up with you...

Win : WHAT???

Team smiled and looked down at his face who looking at him with a UH shaped mouth....So Team smiled and make his opened mouth in to shut with his hand...

Team : Close it or some bee will get inside your disgusting mouth...

Win : Disgusting mouth!! Uh! That mouth  is Caring your D--

Team Immediatley cover his mouth with his palm with annoyingly face...

Team : Don't complete....I know what you are going to say you filthy animal!!

Win Immediatley moved his hand from his mouth...

Win : What I'm going to saying is -- My mouth is the one caring your daughter with singing lullabies at the Night...

Team : (( Sighs)) ohhh...

Win : Plus-- what you were thinking too!!

Team : Ohhh..Shut up !!

Win Smiled and  took Team's hand and placed them on his head...Team looked at him with a confused face...

Team : What Now??

Win : Ruffle it smoothly.....Like you do at night when i S---

Team : STOP IT !!!

Win chukled and starting to eating the Apple again...Team sighs again then starting to ruffling his Blondie  hair softly......

Win : Now say, What Really she Said??

Team : Ohh..It's....Monday is the award ceremony...

Win : Oh...The Best Businessman of the year award!! That's good......So ??

Team : They arranged it on Australia..

Win : So what??

Team : How can I go alone there Win??

Win : Pfff!! Coward!!

Team : I'm not!! I'm thinking about Mia...

Win : I will take care of her....

Team : Um....Uhhh..Win...!?

Win : Mm..mm...?

Team : Can you come  with me ??

𝑩𝒆𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑨𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔.. Where stories live. Discover now